Complete Guide to Navigation in React Native

Navigation is an essential part of any mobile application. React Native is a popular framework for building native mobile applications using JavaScript. React Native provides a powerful set of components and APIs that make it easy to create complex navigation patterns in a single codebase. In this guide, we'll explore how to use React Navigation to create a navigation stack, navigate between screens, and pass data between screens.

react native navigation

Installing React Navigation

The first step to using React Navigation is to install the library. To do this, run the following command in your terminal:

npm install react-navigation

Once the installation is complete, you'll be ready to start using React Navigation.

Setting Up the Navigation Stack in React Native

The navigation stack is the foundation of any React Native application. It is the structure that dictates which screens are displayed, and in what order. To set up the navigation stack, we'll use the createStackNavigator function from the react-navigation library.

The createStackNavigator function takes an object as an argument. This object should have a screen property, which contains an array of objects that define the screens in the navigation stack. Each object should have a name property that contains the unique name of the screen, and a component property that contains the React component class for the screen.

For example, the following code creates a navigation stack with two screens, Home and Profile:

const AppNavigator = createStackNavigator({
  Home: {
    screen: HomeScreen,
  Profile: {
    screen: ProfileScreen,

Once the navigation stack is set up, you can navigate between screens using the navigate function. The navigate function takes the name of the screen you want to navigate to as an argument.

For example, the following code navigates to the Profile screen:


Passing Data Between Screens

Sometimes you need to pass data from one screen to another. To do this, you can use the navigate function's params argument. The params argument is an object that contains the data you want to pass to the next screen.

For example, the following code passes a userId to the Profile screen:

navigation.navigate('Profile', {
  userId: 123

On the Profile screen, you can access the userId using the navigation.state.params object.

Using Tab Navigation in React Native

Tab navigation is a popular pattern for creating navigation stacks in mobile applications. React Navigation provides a createBottomTabNavigator function that makes it easy to create tab navigation stacks.

The createBottomTabNavigator function takes an object as an argument. This object should have a screen property, which contains an array of objects that define the screens in the tab navigation stack. Each object should have a name property that contains the unique name of the screen, and a component property that contains the React component class for the screen.

For example, the following code creates a tab navigation stack with two screens, Home and Settings:

const AppNavigator = createBottomTabNavigator({
  Home: {
    screen: HomeScreen,
  Settings: {
    screen: SettingsScreen,

Using Drawer Navigation in React Native

Drawer navigation is another popular pattern for creating navigation stacks in mobile applications. React Navigation provides a createDrawerNavigator function that makes it easy to create drawer navigation stacks.

The createDrawerNavigator function takes an object as an argument. This object should have a screen property, which contains an array of objects that define the screens in the drawer navigation stack. Each object should have a name property that contains the unique name of the screen, and a component property that contains the React component class for the screen.

For example, the following code creates a drawer navigation stack with two screens, Home and Settings:

const AppNavigator = createDrawerNavigator({
  Home: {
    screen: HomeScreen,
  Settings: {
    screen: SettingsScreen,


In this guide, we explored how to use React Navigation to create a navigation stack, navigate between screens, and pass data between screens. We also explored how to use tab navigation and drawer navigation in React Native. We hope this guide has helped you get started with React Native navigation.