React Native vs Ionic vs Cordova: Choosing the Right Cross-Platform Framework

In this tutorial, we will explore three popular cross-platform frameworks for mobile app development: React Native, Ionic, and Cordova. We will discuss the advantages and limitations of each framework, compare their performance, development experience, community support, and native capabilities. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a clear understanding of which framework to choose for your next cross-platform development project.

react native ionic cordova choosing right cross platform framework


Cross-platform development refers to the practice of building mobile applications that can run on multiple platforms, such as iOS and Android, using a single codebase. This approach saves time, effort, and resources, as developers only need to write code once and deploy it across different platforms. It eliminates the need to develop and maintain separate codebases for each platform, resulting in faster development cycles and reduced costs.

Benefits of Cross-Platform Development

There are several benefits to choosing a cross-platform framework for mobile app development:

  1. Code Reusability: Cross-platform frameworks allow developers to write code once and reuse it across multiple platforms, saving time and effort.
  2. Cost-Effectiveness: Developing a single codebase for multiple platforms reduces development and maintenance costs.
  3. Faster Development Cycles: Cross-platform frameworks provide tools and libraries that streamline the development process, enabling faster iterations and shorter time-to-market.
  4. Unified User Experience: Cross-platform frameworks allow developers to create a consistent user experience across different platforms, ensuring a seamless experience for users.

Now, let's dive into the details of each cross-platform framework: React Native, Ionic, and Cordova.

React Native

React Native is a popular cross-platform framework developed by Facebook. It allows developers to build mobile applications using JavaScript and React, a declarative JavaScript library for building user interfaces. React Native leverages native components to provide a native-like user experience.

Overview of React Native

React Native provides a set of pre-built components that can be used to create user interfaces. These components are written in JavaScript but render native UI components on the device. This approach allows React Native apps to have the look and feel of native apps, providing a seamless user experience. React Native also supports hot reloading, which enables developers to see the changes in real-time without rebuilding the entire app.

Advantages of React Native

  • High Performance: React Native leverages native components, resulting in high-performance apps that are indistinguishable from native apps.
  • Large Community: React Native has a large and active community of developers, which means there is plenty of documentation, tutorials, and third-party libraries available.
  • Code Reusability: React Native allows developers to reuse code across different platforms, reducing development time and effort.
  • Hot Reloading: React Native supports hot reloading, allowing developers to see the changes in real-time without rebuilding the entire app.

Limitations of React Native

  • Limited Native Capabilities: Despite its native-like performance, React Native has some limitations in accessing certain native capabilities and APIs.
  • Learning Curve: React Native requires knowledge of JavaScript and React, which may require some learning for developers who are new to these technologies.
  • Platform-Specific Code: While React Native allows code sharing, there may still be a need for platform-specific code for certain features or optimizations.


Ionic is an open-source cross-platform framework for building mobile applications using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It provides a library of pre-built UI components and tools for building responsive and interactive mobile apps.

Overview of Ionic

Ionic uses web technologies to build mobile apps, but it wraps the app in a native container that gives it access to native device features. This allows developers to create apps that look and feel like native apps, with the ability to access device-specific features such as camera, GPS, and accelerometer.

Advantages of Ionic

  • Easy to Learn: Ionic uses web technologies that most developers are already familiar with, making it easy to learn and get started.
  • Rich UI Components: Ionic provides a wide range of pre-built UI components, making it easy to create responsive and interactive user interfaces.
  • Access to Native Features: Ionic allows developers to access native device features using plugins, providing a native-like experience.
  • Large Community: Ionic has a large and active community, with plenty of documentation, tutorials, and third-party libraries available.

Limitations of Ionic

  • Performance: Ionic apps may not perform as well as native apps, especially for complex animations and heavy computations.
  • Limited Native Capabilities: While Ionic provides access to native device features, there may still be limitations compared to developing with native tools.
  • Browser Compatibility: Ionic apps rely on web technologies, which may result in compatibility issues across different browsers and devices.


Cordova, formerly known as PhoneGap, is an open-source cross-platform framework that allows developers to build mobile applications using web technologies. Cordova provides a bridge between web technologies and native device features, enabling developers to access device-specific capabilities.

Overview of Cordova

Cordova wraps the web app in a native container, similar to Ionic, but it relies on a web view component to render the app's user interface. This approach allows Cordova apps to run on different platforms with minimal changes to the codebase.

Advantages of Cordova

  • Easy Development: Cordova allows developers to build mobile apps using web technologies, which are widely known and easy to work with.
  • Access to Native Features: Cordova provides plugins that allow developers to access native device features, such as camera, microphone, and geolocation.
  • Large Plugin Ecosystem: Cordova has a large and active community that develops plugins for accessing various native capabilities.
  • Code Reusability: Cordova allows developers to write code once and deploy it across multiple platforms, saving time and effort.

Limitations of Cordova

  • Performance: Cordova apps may not perform as well as native apps, especially for complex animations and heavy computations.
  • Limited Native Capabilities: While Cordova provides access to native device features, there may still be limitations compared to developing with native tools.
  • UI Customization: Cordova apps rely on web technologies, which may limit the ability to customize the user interface compared to native apps.


Now that we have an overview of each cross-platform framework, let's compare them based on different factors: performance, development experience, community and ecosystem, native capabilities, and tooling and documentation.


When it comes to performance, React Native and Ionic are known for providing a native-like experience, while Cordova may have some performance limitations.

React Native Performance Example

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { View, Text, Button } from 'react-native';

const App = () => {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

  const incrementCount = () => {
    setCount(count + 1);

  return (
      <Button title="Increment" onPress={incrementCount} />

export default App;

In this React Native example, we have a simple counter app that increments the count when the button is pressed. React Native leverages native components to provide a smooth and responsive user interface.

Ionic Performance Example

    <ion-title>Counter App</ion-title>

  <ion-button expand="full" (click)="incrementCount()">Increment</ion-button>
  <ion-text>{{ count }}</ion-text>

In this Ionic example, we have the same counter app implemented using Ionic's HTML-based syntax. Ionic apps also provide a native-like user experience, thanks to the native container that wraps the web app.

Development Experience

React Native and Ionic both provide a good development experience, with hot reloading and a wide range of tools and libraries available. Cordova also offers a decent development experience, but it may require more configuration and setup compared to React Native and Ionic.

Community and Ecosystem

React Native and Ionic have large and active communities, with plenty of documentation, tutorials, and third-party libraries available. Cordova also has a considerable community, but it may not be as extensive as React Native and Ionic.

Native Capabilities

React Native and Ionic both provide access to native device features using plugins and native components. Cordova also allows access to native capabilities through plugins but may have some limitations compared to React Native and Ionic.

Tooling and Documentation

React Native and Ionic have well-documented APIs and a wide range of tools available for development, debugging, and testing. Cordova also provides a good set of tools and documentation but may not be as extensive as React Native and Ionic.

Choosing the Right Framework

When choosing the right cross-platform framework for your project, consider the following factors:

Project Requirements

  • Performance: If your app requires high-performance animations or heavy computations, React Native or Ionic may be a better choice.
  • Native Features: If your app heavily relies on accessing native device features, React Native or Ionic may provide better support compared to Cordova.

Team Expertise

  • Familiarity with Web Technologies: If your team is more comfortable with web technologies, Ionic or Cordova may be a better fit.
  • Familiarity with JavaScript and React: If your team has experience with JavaScript and React, React Native may be a good choice.

Future Scalability

Consider the future scalability of your project. If you anticipate the need to support additional platforms or add complex features, React Native or Ionic may provide better scalability compared to Cordova.


In this tutorial, we explored three popular cross-platform frameworks: React Native, Ionic, and Cordova. We discussed the advantages and limitations of each framework, compared their performance, development experience, community support, and native capabilities. When choosing the right cross-platform framework for your project, consider the project requirements, team expertise, and future scalability. By making an informed decision, you can ensure a successful cross-platform development experience.