Ultimate Guide on Animations in React Native

Animations are an important part of any interactive user interface. They can create a great user experience, if used correctly. Animations can also be used to provide visual feedback, add emphasis to certain elements, and make the user interface more engaging. React Native is a popular framework for creating mobile applications, and it also has great support for animations. In this guide, we'll look at how to create simple animations in React Native, and how to use the Lottie library to create more complex animations.

react native animations

What Are Animations?

Animations are a form of visual communication that can be used to provide feedback to users, emphasize important elements, and make an interface more engaging. Animations can be used to create transitions between different states, such as when a user clicks a button or when a page is loaded. Animations can also be used to create visual effects, such as fading in or out, bouncing, or even creating a custom animation.

What Is The Animated API in React Native?

The Animated API in React Native is a powerful tool for creating animations. It provides a simple API for creating complex animations, and it is also very easy to use. The Animated API allows you to create animations that can be used in any component, and it also provides a simple way to create custom animations.

How To Create Simple Animations in React Native

Creating simple animations in React Native is easy. To create a simple animation, you first need to import the Animated API from React Native.

import { Animated } from 'react-native';

Once you have imported the Animated API, you can create an animated value using the Animated.Value method. This value can then be used to create an animation.

const position = new Animated.Value(0);

Once you have created an animated value, you can use it to create an animation. You can do this by using the Animated.timing method. This method takes in a duration and a toValue, which is the value that the animation should end at.

Animated.timing(position, {
  toValue: 100,
  duration: 1000,

This will create an animation that will take one second to move the position value from 0 to 100. You can also use the Animated.spring method to create a spring animation, which is useful for creating smooth animations.

Animated.spring(position, {
  toValue: 100,
  bounciness: 10,

Once you have created an animation, you can use it to animate any component. To do this, you need to use the Animated.View component and bind the animation to a style property.

    transform: [{ translateX: position }],
  <Text>Hello World!</Text>

This will animate the Text component to move horizontally across the screen when the position value is changed.

How To Use Lottie Library in React Native

The Lottie library is a great tool for creating complex animations in React Native. It allows you to import animation files created in After Effects and use them in your React Native app. To use the Lottie library, you first need to install it using npm.

npm install lottie-react-native

Once you have installed the Lottie library, you can import the Lottie component and use it to display an animation.

import Lottie from 'lottie-react-native';


This will display the animation file located at animations/animation.json. You can also use the Lottie component to create custom animations by passing in an object instead of a file path.

const animation = {
  loop: true,
  autoplay: true,
  animationData: {
    // animation data here


The Lottie library is a great way to create complex animations in React Native, and it is very easy to use.


Animations are an important part of any interactive user interface, and React Native provides a powerful tool for creating animations. In this guide, we've looked at how to create simple animations in React Native, and how to use the Lottie library to create more complex animations. With the right tools, you can create animations that will add a great user experience to any React Native app.