Kotlin vs. SAS: Choosing the Right Language for Business Analytics

This tutorial provides a comprehensive comparison between Kotlin and SAS, two popular languages used in business analytics. We will discuss the history, features, advantages, and use cases of both languages. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a clear understanding of which language is more suitable for your business analytics needs.

kotlin vs sas choosing right language business analytics


Overview of Kotlin

Kotlin is a statically-typed programming language developed by JetBrains, initially released in 2011. It is designed to be fully interoperable with Java and offers a more concise syntax, enhanced null safety, and functional programming capabilities. Kotlin has gained significant popularity among Android developers due to its seamless integration with existing Java codebases.

History of Kotlin

Kotlin was created to address the limitations and boilerplate code found in Java. JetBrains, the company behind popular development tools like IntelliJ IDEA, started developing Kotlin in 2010. It was officially released as an open-source language in 2016.

Features of Kotlin

Kotlin offers a wide range of features that make it a versatile language for business analytics. Some of the key features include:

  • Null safety: Kotlin provides built-in null safety features, reducing the chances of null pointer exceptions.
  • Extension functions: Kotlin allows developers to extend existing classes with additional functions, improving code readability and reusability.
  • Coroutines: Kotlin provides native support for coroutines, enabling asynchronous programming with ease.
  • Smart casts: Kotlin automatically casts objects based on type checks, reducing the need for explicit casts.
  • Interoperability with Java: Kotlin can seamlessly interoperate with existing Java codebases, allowing for an incremental adoption of Kotlin.

Advantages of Kotlin

Kotlin offers several advantages for business analytics:

  1. Improved developer productivity: Kotlin's concise syntax and modern features enable developers to write code faster and with fewer errors.
  2. Enhanced null safety: Kotlin's null safety features help prevent common runtime errors, leading to more stable and reliable code.
  3. Interoperability with Java: Kotlin can be used alongside existing Java codebases, allowing for a smooth transition and reuse of existing code.
  4. Growing community and support: Kotlin has a vibrant and active community that provides extensive resources, libraries, and frameworks.

Overview of SAS

SAS (Statistical Analysis System) is a software suite used for advanced analytics, business intelligence, and data management. It offers a wide range of tools and capabilities for data analysis, statistical modeling, and reporting.

History of SAS

SAS was developed in the late 1960s at North Carolina State University by Anthony Barr, James Goodnight, John Sall, and others. It has since become one of the most prominent tools in the field of data analytics.

Features of SAS

SAS provides a comprehensive set of features for business analytics:

  • Data manipulation and analysis: SAS offers a wide range of data manipulation and analysis functions, allowing users to perform complex calculations, statistical modeling, and data transformations.
  • Reporting and visualization: SAS provides tools for generating reports and visualizations, making it easier to communicate insights and findings.
  • Data integration: SAS supports integration with various data sources and formats, enabling users to access and analyze data from multiple sources.
  • Advanced analytics: SAS offers advanced statistical modeling and machine learning capabilities, allowing users to build predictive models and make data-driven decisions.

Advantages of SAS

SAS offers several advantages for business analytics:

  1. Robust and proven: SAS has been widely used in the industry for decades, making it a reliable and trusted tool for data analytics.
  2. Comprehensive toolset: SAS provides a comprehensive suite of tools and capabilities for data analysis, reporting, and visualization.
  3. Industry-specific solutions: SAS offers industry-specific solutions for various domains, such as finance, healthcare, and retail, providing specialized functionality and expertise.
  4. Regulatory compliance: SAS has built-in features and capabilities to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, making it suitable for industries with strict data governance policies.

Comparison of Kotlin and SAS

Now let's compare Kotlin and SAS based on various factors relevant to business analytics.

Syntax and Structure

Kotlin is a modern programming language with a concise and expressive syntax. It offers features like type inference, lambda expressions, and extension functions, which can make code more readable and maintainable. On the other hand, SAS uses a procedural programming language with a specific syntax for data manipulation and analysis.

Here's an example of Kotlin code that calculates the average of a list of numbers:

fun calculateAverage(numbers: List<Int>): Double {
    val sum = numbers.sum()
    return sum.toDouble() / numbers.size

val numbers = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
val average = calculateAverage(numbers)
println("Average: $average")

In this example, we define a function calculateAverage that takes a list of integers as input and returns the average. We then create a list of numbers and calculate the average using the calculateAverage function. Finally, we print the result.


When it comes to performance, Kotlin and SAS have different characteristics. Kotlin, being a modern programming language, is designed to be efficient and performant. It compiles to bytecode that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which allows it to benefit from the optimizations and performance improvements of the JVM.

SAS, on the other hand, is a specialized software suite optimized for data analytics. It is built with performance in mind and provides various optimizations for data processing and analysis tasks.

Community and Support

Kotlin has a rapidly growing community of developers and enthusiasts. It has gained popularity not only in the Android development community but also in other domains, including business analytics. The Kotlin community provides extensive resources, libraries, and frameworks to support developers.

SAS has a long history and a well-established user base in the field of data analytics. It has a dedicated community of users and professionals who actively contribute to its development and provide support.

Integration with Business Analytics Tools

Kotlin can be integrated with various business analytics tools and frameworks. It can leverage existing Java libraries and frameworks, making it compatible with a wide range of tools used in business analytics. Additionally, Kotlin has its own ecosystem of libraries and frameworks specifically designed for data analysis and processing.

SAS, being a comprehensive analytics platform, provides built-in integration with various data sources, reporting tools, and visualization libraries. It offers a complete end-to-end solution for business analytics, with seamless integration between different components.

Learning Curve

Kotlin has a relatively gentle learning curve, especially for developers familiar with Java. Its syntax and structure are similar to Java, making it easy to transition from Java to Kotlin. Additionally, Kotlin provides extensive documentation and resources to help developers get started quickly.

SAS, on the other hand, has a steeper learning curve due to its specialized syntax and the need to learn specific SAS procedures and functions. It requires dedicated training and practice to become proficient in SAS.


Kotlin is an open-source language and is free to use. There are no licensing costs associated with Kotlin development. However, if you choose to use Kotlin alongside commercial tools or libraries, there may be additional costs associated with those tools.

SAS is a commercial software suite, and its licensing costs can vary depending on the specific modules and features you require. Additionally, SAS often requires specialized training and support, which may incur additional costs.

Use Cases for Kotlin in Business Analytics

Kotlin can be used in various business analytics scenarios, including:

  1. Data processing and transformation: Kotlin's expressive syntax and functional programming capabilities make it well-suited for data processing and transformation tasks. It can be used to clean, filter, and transform data before analysis.
  2. Model development and evaluation: Kotlin can be used to develop and evaluate statistical models and machine learning algorithms. Its interoperability with Java libraries and frameworks allows for seamless integration with popular machine learning tools.
  3. Data visualization: Kotlin can be used to create interactive data visualizations and dashboards. It can leverage libraries like Kotlin Statistics and Kotlin Plot for data visualization tasks.

Here's an example of Kotlin code that uses the Kotlin Statistics library to calculate the correlation coefficient between two variables:

import org.nield.kotlinstatistics.correlation

val variable1 = listOf(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0)
val variable2 = listOf(5.0, 4.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0)

val correlation = variable1.correlation(variable2)
println("Correlation coefficient: $correlation")

In this example, we import the correlation function from the Kotlin Statistics library. We then define two lists representing two variables and calculate the correlation coefficient using the correlation function. Finally, we print the result.

Use Cases for SAS in Business Analytics

SAS is widely used in various business analytics scenarios, including:

  1. Data exploration and analysis: SAS provides a wide range of functions and procedures for data exploration and analysis. It can be used to perform descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing, and data visualization.
  2. Predictive modeling: SAS offers advanced statistical modeling and machine learning capabilities. It can be used to build predictive models for forecasting, classification, and regression tasks.
  3. Reporting and visualization: SAS provides tools for generating reports and visualizations, making it easier to communicate insights and findings. It offers a range of options for customizing reports and creating interactive dashboards.


Choosing the right language for business analytics depends on various factors such as syntax, performance, community support, integration with tools, learning curve, and cost. Kotlin, with its modern features, interoperability with Java, and growing community, is a versatile language suitable for business analytics tasks. On the other hand, SAS, with its comprehensive toolset, industry-specific solutions, and proven performance, remains a popular choice for professional data analytics.

Ultimately, the choice between Kotlin and SAS depends on your specific requirements, existing infrastructure, and expertise. Consider the advantages and use cases discussed in this tutorial to make an informed decision for your business analytics needs.