How To Add Gradient Backgrounds in SwiftUI

SwiftUI is Apple’s new declarative building framework that actually might forever change the way apps are made. It’s a remarkable piece of engineering which unifies the UI development process and works across all Apple platforms.

One of the features that makes SwiftUI stand out is its ability to create gradient backgrounds. In this article, we will show you how to add horizontal and vertical gradients in SwiftUI.

gradient backgrounds swiftui

What Are Gradient Backgrounds?

A gradient background is a gradual change of color that can be used to create a visually appealing effect in any application. Gradients are often used in web design and graphic design, but with SwiftUI, you can now add them to your iOS apps.

Setting Up Your iOS Environment for SwiftUI

Before we dive into the code, let’s make sure we have our environment set up for SwiftUI development.

First, you need to make sure you have the latest version of Xcode installed. Xcode is Apple’s integrated development environment and can be downloaded from the Mac App Store.

Once Xcode is installed, you can open it and create a new project. Make sure you select the “SwiftUI” option when creating the project.

Horizontal Gradients in SwiftUI

Let’s start by creating a simple horizontal gradient. To do this, you’ll need to use the LinearGradient view.

The LinearGradient view takes two parameters: the start and end points of the gradient. The start and end points are represented by the UnitPoint structure, which takes two values: a horizontal and a vertical value.

Here’s an example of how you can create a simple horizontal gradient in SwiftUI:

    gradient: Gradient(colors: [.red, .blue]),
    startPoint: .leading,
    endPoint: .trailing

The code above creates a simple horizontal gradient that goes from red to blue. The start point is set to .leading and the end point is set to .trailing, which makes the gradient start at the left side of the view and end at the right side.

Vertical Gradients in SwiftUI

Creating a vertical gradient in SwiftUI is just as easy as creating a horizontal one. All you have to do is change the start and end points of the gradient.

Here’s an example of how you can create a simple vertical gradient in SwiftUI:

    gradient: Gradient(colors: [.red, .blue]),
    startPoint: .top,
    endPoint: .bottom

The code above creates a simple vertical gradient that goes from red to blue. The start point is set to .top and the end point is set to .bottom, which makes the gradient start at the top of the view and end at the bottom.

More Gradient Examples in SwiftUI

Here are some more examples of gradients in SwiftUI:

Diagonal Gradient

    gradient: Gradient(colors: [.red, .blue]),
    startPoint: .topLeading,
    endPoint: .bottomTrailing

The code above creates a diagonal gradient that goes from red to blue. The start point is set to .topLeading and the end point is set to .bottomTrailing, which makes the gradient start at the top left corner of the view and end at the bottom right corner.

Radial Gradient

    gradient: Gradient(colors: [.red, .blue]),
    center: .center,
    startRadius: 10,
    endRadius: 100

The code above creates a radial gradient that goes from red to blue. The center of the gradient is set to .center, which makes the gradient start in the center of the view. The start radius is set to 10 and the end radius is set to 100, which makes the gradient start with a small circle and end with a large circle.


In this article, we showed you how to add gradient backgrounds in SwiftUI. We discussed the different types of gradients, such as horizontal, vertical, diagonal and radial. We also provided code examples for each type of gradient.

Gradients are a great way to add visual interest to your apps, so make sure to give them a try!