How to Retrieve Device Info in Flutter

Retrieving device information in a Flutter app is an important task. It can be used to provide a better user experience, better analytics, and more. Fortunately, there is an easy way to do this: the device_info_plus plugin. This plugin provides access to various device info properties in Flutter.

flutter device info

Installing device_info_plus

To get started, you'll need to add the device_info_plus plugin to your pubspec.yaml file.

  device_info_plus: ^1.1.0

Once you've added the plugin, simply run flutter packages get in your project's root directory.

Retrieving Device Info in Flutter

Retrieving device info in Flutter is easy with the device_info_plus plugin. To get started, you'll need to create a new instance of the DeviceInfoPlus class.

DeviceInfoPlus deviceInfoPlus = DeviceInfoPlus();

Once you have an instance, you can call the getInfo() method to get the device's info.

DeviceInfo info = await deviceInfoPlus.getInfo();

Various Device Info Properties in Flutter

Now that you have the device info, you can access various properties of the device. Here are some of the most commonly used properties of the DeviceInfo class:

  • model: The device's model name
  • brand: The device's brand name
  • name: The device's name
  • version: The OS version
  • device: The device type (e.g. iPhone, iPad, etc.)
  • id: The device's unique identifier

You can access these properties in the following way:

String model = info.model;
String brand = info.brand;
String name =;
String version = info.version;
String device = info.device;
String id =;

You can also access more detailed device information such as the device's processor, RAM, and more. Refer to the DeviceInfoPlus documentation for more information.


Retrieving device info in Flutter is easy with the device_info_plus plugin. With it, you can easily access various device info properties such as the device's model, brand, name, version, device type, and unique identifier.