Exploring Kotlin's Smart Casts

In this tutorial, we will explore the concept of smart casts in Kotlin. Smart casts allow us to automatically cast a variable to a more specific type based on certain conditions. This can greatly simplify our code and make it more readable and concise. We will cover the basics of smart casts, how to use them with type checks, the safe cast operator, using 'is' and '!' operators, smart casts in when expressions, limitations of smart casts, and finally, some tips on avoiding smart cast errors.

exploring kotlins smart casts type checks null safety

What are smart casts?

Smart casts in Kotlin are a feature that allows the compiler to automatically cast a variable to a more specific type if certain conditions are met. This eliminates the need for explicit type casting and reduces the chances of type casting errors.

Why are smart casts useful in Kotlin?

Smart casts are useful in Kotlin because they help us write cleaner and more concise code. By eliminating the need for explicit type casting, our code becomes more readable and less prone to errors. Additionally, smart casts can help improve performance by avoiding unnecessary type checks and casting operations.

Type Checks and Smart Casts

Type checks in Kotlin are used to determine the type of an object at runtime. This is done using the is operator, which returns true if the object is of the specified type. Smart casts take advantage of type checks to automatically cast a variable to a more specific type.

Automatic smart casts

Automatic smart casts occur when the compiler can guarantee that a variable is of a certain type after a type check. This eliminates the need for explicit type casting. Here's an example:

fun process(obj: Any) {
    if (obj is String) {
        // obj is automatically cast to String

In this example, the obj parameter is checked if it is of type String. If the condition is true, the compiler automatically casts obj to String, allowing us to access the length property without any explicit casting.

Explicit smart casts

In some cases, the compiler may not be able to guarantee that a variable is of a certain type. In such cases, we can use explicit smart casts with the help of the safe cast operator.

Safe Cast Operator

The safe cast operator, denoted by as?, is used to safely cast a variable to a specific type. If the cast is successful, the variable is cast to the specified type. If the cast fails, the result is null. Here's an example:

fun process(obj: Any) {
    val str: String? = obj as? String

In this example, the obj parameter is cast to String using the safe cast operator. If the cast is successful, the str variable will hold the casted value, otherwise it will be null. We can then safely access the length property of str using the safe call operator ?..

Using the safe cast operator

The safe cast operator is particularly useful when dealing with nullable types. It allows us to safely cast a nullable variable to a non-null type. Here's an example:

fun process(obj: Any?) {
    val str: String? = obj as? String

In this example, the obj parameter is nullable. By using the safe cast operator, we can safely cast it to a String, even if the value is null. If the cast is successful, the str variable will hold the casted value, otherwise it will be null.

Smart Casts with 'is' and '!' Operators

In addition to the safe cast operator, Kotlin also provides the is operator for type checks and the ! operator for non-null assertions. These operators can be used in conjunction with smart casts for more concise code.

Using 'is' operator for type checks

The is operator is used to perform type checks in Kotlin. It returns true if the object is of the specified type. Here's an example:

fun process(obj: Any) {
    if (obj is String) {
        // obj is automatically cast to String

In this example, the obj parameter is checked if it is of type String. If the condition is true, the compiler automatically casts obj to String, allowing us to access the length property without any explicit casting.

Using '!' operator for non-null assertions

The ! operator is used for non-null assertions in Kotlin. It is used to assert that a nullable variable is not null. If the variable is null, a NullPointerException is thrown. Here's an example:

fun process(obj: Any?) {
    val str: String = obj as String

In this example, the obj parameter is cast to String using the non-null assertion operator !. This operator asserts that obj is not null. If obj is null, a NullPointerException will be thrown.

Smart Casts in When Expressions

Smart casts can also be used in when expressions, which are Kotlin's replacement for switch statements. When using smart casts in when expressions, the compiler can automatically cast the subject of the expression to the appropriate type.

Smart casts in when expressions

fun process(obj: Any) {
    when (obj) {
        is String -> println(obj.length)
        is Int -> println(obj * 2)

In this example, obj is checked against different types in the when expression. If obj is of type String, it is automatically cast to String, allowing us to access the length property. If obj is of type Int, it is automatically cast to Int, allowing us to perform mathematical operations.

Combining smart casts with other conditions

fun process(obj: Any) {
    when {
        obj is String && obj.length > 5 -> println(obj)
        obj is Int && obj > 10 -> println(obj)

In this example, smart casts are combined with other conditions in the when expression. If obj is of type String and its length is greater than 5, it is automatically cast to String and printed. If obj is of type Int and its value is greater than 10, it is automatically cast to Int and printed.

Smart Casts Limitations

While smart casts are powerful, they have some limitations that we need to be aware of. Understanding these limitations can help us avoid smart cast errors and write better code.

Limitations of smart casts

One limitation of smart casts is that they only work within the scope of a single block of code. If a smart cast is performed in a nested block, it will not be available outside of that block. Additionally, smart casts only work with immutable variables. If a variable is reassigned within the block, the smart cast will no longer be available.

Avoiding smart cast errors

To avoid smart cast errors, it's important to understand their limitations and use them appropriately. It's a good practice to check the type of a variable before performing any smart casts. Additionally, it's recommended to use smart casts only when necessary and when the compiler can guarantee the type based on the conditions.


In this tutorial, we explored the concept of smart casts in Kotlin. We learned what smart casts are, why they are useful, and how to use them with type checks, the safe cast operator, 'is' and '!' operators, and in when expressions. We also discussed the limitations of smart casts and provided some tips on avoiding smart cast errors. By understanding and utilizing smart casts effectively, we can write cleaner and more concise code in Kotlin.