Exploring Kotlin's Multiplatform Mobile Development with Kotlin/JS

In this tutorial, we will explore Kotlin's multiplatform mobile development using Kotlin/JS. Kotlin/JS is a powerful tool that allows developers to write code once and use it across multiple platforms, including mobile devices. We will cover the benefits of Kotlin/JS, setting up the development environment, creating a Kotlin/JS mobile project, building the user interface, implementing business logic, testing and debugging, and finally, deployment and distribution.

exploring kotlins multiplatform mobile development kotlin js


What is Kotlin/JS

Kotlin/JS is a compiler plugin for the Kotlin programming language that allows developers to compile Kotlin code to JavaScript. This means that you can write Kotlin code and use it in web applications, server-side applications, and even mobile applications. Kotlin/JS provides seamless interoperability with JavaScript libraries and frameworks, making it a versatile tool for web and mobile development.

Benefits of Kotlin/JS

There are several benefits to using Kotlin/JS for multiplatform mobile development. First, it allows you to share code between different platforms, reducing duplication and improving code maintainability. Second, Kotlin/JS provides a type-safe and statically-typed language, which helps catch errors at compile-time and improves code quality. Finally, Kotlin/JS integrates well with existing JavaScript frameworks and libraries, allowing you to leverage the vast JavaScript ecosystem.

Overview of Multiplatform Mobile Development

Multiplatform mobile development is an approach that allows developers to build mobile applications for multiple platforms using a single codebase. With Kotlin/JS, you can write shared code that can be used across iOS, Android, and web platforms. This reduces development time and effort, as you only need to write and maintain one codebase for all platforms. Kotlin/JS provides platform-specific implementations for accessing native APIs and features, ensuring that your application runs smoothly on each platform.

Setting Up the Development Environment

Installing Kotlin/JS

To get started with Kotlin/JS, you need to install the Kotlin compiler and the Kotlin/JS plugin. The Kotlin compiler can be installed from the official Kotlin website, and the Kotlin/JS plugin can be added to your project's build.gradle file.

// build.gradle
plugins {
    id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.js' version '1.5.31'

Configuring the Project

Once you have installed Kotlin and added the Kotlin/JS plugin to your project, you need to configure your project to use Kotlin/JS. This can be done by specifying the target platform and dependencies in your project's build.gradle file.

// build.gradle
kotlin {
    js {
        browser {
            webpackTask {
                cssSupport.enabled = true

Integrating with IDEs

Kotlin/JS integrates well with popular IDEs like IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio. You can install the Kotlin plugin for your IDE to get support for Kotlin/JS development. The plugin provides code completion, syntax highlighting, and other useful features for writing Kotlin/JS code.

Creating a Kotlin/JS Mobile Project

Project Structure

A Kotlin/JS mobile project consists of shared code and platform-specific code. The shared code contains the business logic and UI components that can be used across different platforms, while the platform-specific code provides implementations for accessing native APIs and features.

├── shared
│   ├── src
│   │   └── main
│   │       └── kotlin
│   │           └── com.example.shared
│   │               ├── model
│   │               └── util
├── androidApp
│   ├── src
│   │   └── main
│   │       └── kotlin
│   │           └── com.example.androidApp
│   │               ├── model
│   │               └── util
├── iosApp
│   ├── src
│   │   └── main
│   │       └── kotlin
│   │           └── com.example.iosApp
│   │               ├── model
│   │               └── util
├── webApp
│   ├── src
│   │   └── main
│   │       └── kotlin
│   │           └── com.example.webApp
│   │               ├── model
│   │               └── util

Building the User Interface

To build the user interface for your Kotlin/JS mobile application, you can use Kotlin/JS for UI development. Kotlin/JS provides layouts and components that you can use to create a responsive and interactive user interface.

Using Kotlin/JS for UI Development

// shared/src/main/kotlin/com.example.shared/MyApp.kt
import kotlinx.html.*
import kotlinx.html.dom.*
import kotlinx.html.js.*
import org.w3c.dom.*

fun main() {
    document.getElementById("root")?.append {
        div {
            h1 {
                +"Hello, Kotlin/JS!"

In this code snippet, we use the kotlinx.html library to create a simple HTML structure. We define a div element with an h1 element inside it, and set the text content of the h1 element to "Hello, Kotlin/JS!". Finally, we append the created structure to an element with the ID "root" in the HTML document.

Layouts and Components

Kotlin/JS provides layouts and components that you can use to structure and organize your user interface. You can use layouts like div, section, and header to create different sections of your UI, and components like button, input, and select to add interactive elements.

// shared/src/main/kotlin/com.example.shared/MyApp.kt
import kotlinx.html.*
import kotlinx.html.dom.*
import kotlinx.html.js.*
import org.w3c.dom.*

fun main() {
    document.getElementById("root")?.append {
        div {
            h1 {
                +"Hello, Kotlin/JS!"
            button {
                +"Click me!"
            input {
                type = InputType.text
                placeholder = "Enter your name"

In this code snippet, we add a button element with the text "Click me!" and an input element with a placeholder text "Enter your name" to the UI structure.

Styling and Theming

Kotlin/JS provides support for styling and theming your user interface. You can use CSS classes and inline styles to customize the appearance of your UI elements.

// shared/src/main/kotlin/com.example.shared/MyApp.kt
import kotlinx.html.*
import kotlinx.html.dom.*
import kotlinx.html.js.*
import org.w3c.dom.*

fun main() {
    document.getElementById("root")?.append {
        div(classes = "container") {
            h1 {
                +"Hello, Kotlin/JS!"
                style = "color: red"
            button(classes = "primary-button") {
                +"Click me!"
            input {
                type = InputType.text
                placeholder = "Enter your name"
                style = "border: 1px solid black"

In this code snippet, we add a CSS class "container" to the div element and set its style to "color: red". We also add a CSS class "primary-button" to the button element, and set its style to "border: 1px solid black". Finally, we set the style of the input element to "border: 1px solid black".

Implementing Business Logic

Shared Code for Business Logic

The business logic of your Kotlin/JS mobile application can be implemented in the shared code. This code will be used across all platforms, ensuring consistent behavior and functionality.

// shared/src/main/kotlin/com.example.shared/Calculator.kt
package com.example.shared

class Calculator {
    fun add(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
        return a + b

In this code snippet, we define a Calculator class with an add method that takes two integers as parameters and returns their sum.

Platform-Specific Implementations

For platform-specific functionality, you can provide platform-specific implementations in the platform-specific code. This allows you to access native APIs and features that are specific to each platform.

// androidApp/src/main/kotlin/com.example.androidApp/PlatformSpecific.kt
package com.example.androidApp

actual class PlatformSpecific {
    actual fun getPlatformName(): String {
        return "Android"

In this code snippet, we define an actual class PlatformSpecific with an actual method getPlatformName that returns the name of the platform, "Android". The actual keyword is used to indicate that this implementation is specific to the Android platform.

Data Management

Kotlin/JS provides convenient ways to manage data in your mobile application. You can use data classes and serialization libraries to handle data objects, and database libraries to persist data.

// shared/src/main/kotlin/com.example.shared/Person.kt
package com.example.shared

import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable

data class Person(val name: String, val age: Int)

In this code snippet, we define a Person data class with properties name and age. We use the @Serializable annotation from the kotlinx.serialization library to enable serialization for this data class.

Testing and Debugging

Unit Testing

Unit testing is an important part of software development, and Kotlin/JS provides tools and frameworks to write and run unit tests for your mobile application. You can use frameworks like kotlin.test to write test cases and run them using the Kotlin/JS test runner.

// shared/src/test/kotlin/com.example.shared/CalculatorTest.kt
package com.example.shared

import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.test.assertEquals

class CalculatorTest {
    fun testAdd() {
        val calculator = Calculator()
        val result = calculator.add(2, 3)
        assertEquals(5, result)

In this code snippet, we define a test class CalculatorTest with a test method testAdd. Inside the test method, we create an instance of the Calculator class, call the add method with two integers, and use the assertEquals function to assert that the result is equal to 5.

Integration Testing

Integration testing is important to ensure that your Kotlin/JS mobile application works correctly across different platforms. You can use frameworks like Selenium or Appium to automate integration tests and simulate user interactions on different platforms.

// shared/src/test/kotlin/com.example.shared/IntegrationTest.kt
package com.example.shared

import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.test.assertEquals

class IntegrationTest {
    fun testUI() {
        // Simulate user interactions and test UI components

In this code snippet, we define a test class IntegrationTest with a test method testUI. Inside the test method, you can simulate user interactions and test UI components to ensure that they work correctly on different platforms.

Debugging Techniques

Debugging is an essential skill for software developers, and Kotlin/JS provides tools and techniques to debug your mobile application. You can use browser developer tools or IDE debuggers to set breakpoints, inspect variables, and step through your code to find and fix issues.

Deployment and Distribution

Building the App

To build your Kotlin/JS mobile application, you can use the Kotlin/JS compiler to generate JavaScript code. You can then package the generated code along with other required resources and assets to create a distributable package.

// build.gradle
tasks {
    compileKotlin2Js {
        kotlinOptions.moduleKind = "umd"
        browser {
            commonWebpackConfig {
                output.libraryTarget = "umd"
    assembleDist {
        from("${project.buildDir}/kotlin-js-min/main/") {
        from("src/main/resources") {

In this code snippet, we configure the compileKotlin2Js task to generate a UMD module for the Kotlin/JS code. We also configure the assembleDist task to include the generated JavaScript code and resources from the src/main/resources directory into the "dist" directory of the distribution package.

Packaging and Distribution

Once you have built your Kotlin/JS mobile application, you can package it into platform-specific formats like APK for Android, IPA for iOS, and WAR for web deployment. You can then distribute the packaged application through app stores, websites, or other distribution channels.

App Store Guidelines

When distributing your Kotlin/JS mobile application through app stores like Google Play Store or Apple App Store, you need to comply with their guidelines and requirements. This may include providing necessary metadata, following design and content guidelines, and adhering to security and privacy policies.


In this tutorial, we have explored Kotlin's multiplatform mobile development with Kotlin/JS. We have covered the benefits of Kotlin/JS, setting up the development environment, creating a Kotlin/JS mobile project, building the user interface, implementing business logic, testing and debugging, and deployment and distribution. Kotlin/JS provides a powerful and versatile platform for building mobile applications that can run on multiple platforms with shared code. It is a valuable tool for software developers looking to streamline their development process and target a wider audience.