Exploring Kotlin's Inline Properties for DSLs

This tutorial explores Kotlin's inline properties and how they can be used to create Domain Specific Languages (DSLs). We will start by understanding what DSLs are and the benefits of using them in Kotlin. Then, we will dive into the concept of inline properties, how they work, and provide syntax and usage examples. Next, we will explore how inline properties can be leveraged to create DSLs and provide some real-world examples. We will also cover advanced techniques such as combining inline properties with extension functions and handling complex DSL scenarios. Additionally, we will discuss the impact of inline properties on performance and provide tips for optimizing them. Finally, we will explore various use cases for inline properties and provide real-world examples.

exploring kotlins inline properties dsls kotlin development


What are DSLs?

Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) are specialized languages that are designed to solve specific problems within a particular domain. They provide a more expressive and concise way of solving problems compared to general-purpose languages. DSLs have a specific syntax and vocabulary that is tailored to the problem domain, making them easier to read and understand for domain experts.

Benefits of using DSLs in Kotlin

Using DSLs in Kotlin has several benefits. First, DSLs allow developers to write code that closely resembles the problem domain, making it easier to understand and maintain. Second, DSLs provide a higher level of abstraction, allowing developers to express complex logic in a more concise and intuitive way. Third, DSLs can help eliminate boilerplate code by providing a more declarative syntax. Finally, DSLs can improve the overall developer experience by providing a more natural and fluent API.

Inline Properties in Kotlin

Inline properties in Kotlin are a powerful feature that allows properties to be defined inline within a class or object. This means that the property is defined as part of the class or object's definition, rather than being defined separately. Inline properties can be used to enhance DSLs by providing a more concise and declarative syntax for accessing and manipulating data.

Understanding inline properties

Inline properties in Kotlin work by generating getter and setter methods inline within the class or object's bytecode. This means that the property access and modification code is inserted directly into the calling code, eliminating the need for method calls. This can result in more efficient and concise code.

Syntax and usage examples

To define an inline property in Kotlin, use the inline modifier before the val or var keyword. Here is an example:

inline val Int.isEven: Boolean
    get() = this % 2 == 0

In this example, we define an inline property isEven for the Int class. This property returns true if the integer is even, and false otherwise.

To use the inline property, simply access it as if it were a regular property:

val number = 10

if (number.isEven) {
    println("The number is even")
} else {
    println("The number is odd")

In this example, we create a variable number and check if it is even using the isEven property. The code will print "The number is even" since number is indeed even.

Creating DSLs with Inline Properties

Overview of DSL creation in Kotlin

Creating DSLs in Kotlin involves defining a set of functions and properties that mimic the syntax and vocabulary of the problem domain. This allows developers to write code that closely resembles the problem domain, making it more readable and maintainable. DSLs can be created using a combination of features in Kotlin, including inline properties.

Using inline properties to enhance DSLs

Inline properties can be used to enhance DSLs by providing a more concise and expressive syntax for accessing and manipulating data. By defining properties inline, we can eliminate the need for method calls and make the code more readable.

Examples of DSLs leveraging inline properties

Let's take a look at a few examples of DSLs that leverage inline properties to provide a more expressive syntax.

Example 1: HTML DSL

class Element(private val tagName: String) {
    private val children = mutableListOf<Element>()

    inline operator fun String.unaryPlus() {

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "<$tagName>${children.joinToString("")}</$tagName>"

fun html(block: Element.() -> Unit): Element {
    val element = Element("html")
    return element

fun head(block: Element.() -> Unit): Element {
    val element = Element("head")
    return element

fun body(block: Element.() -> Unit): Element {
    val element = Element("body")
    return element

In this example, we define an Element class that represents an HTML element. We use inline properties to define the unaryPlus operator, which allows us to add child elements to the parent element using the + operator. We also define DSL functions html, head, and body that create the corresponding HTML elements. Using these DSL functions, we can create HTML documents using a more expressive syntax:

val htmlDocument = html {
    head {
        +"My HTML Document"
    body {
        +"Hello, World!"


The code will produce the following output:

<head>My HTML Document</head>
<body>Hello, World!</body>

In this example, we leverage the inline property unaryPlus to provide a more natural and fluent syntax for adding child elements to the parent element.

Example 2: Config DSL

class Config {
    private val properties = mutableMapOf<String, Any>()

    inline operator fun <reified T> String.invoke(value: T) {
        properties[this] = value

    inline operator fun <reified T> String.invoke(block: T.() -> Unit) {
        val instance = T::class.java.newInstance()
        properties[this] = instance

    operator fun get(key: String): Any? {
        return properties[key]

inline fun config(block: Config.() -> Unit): Config {
    val config = Config()
    return config

In this example, we define a Config class that represents a configuration object. We use inline properties to define the invoke operator, which allows us to set properties or create nested configuration objects using a more concise syntax. We also define a DSL function config that creates a new Config object and applies the provided configuration block. Using this DSL function, we can create configuration objects with a more declarative syntax:

val myConfig = config {
    "database" {

println(myConfig["host"]) // Output: example.com

In this example, we leverage the inline properties to provide a more declarative and readable syntax for creating and configuring nested objects.

Advanced Techniques

Combining inline properties with extension functions

Combining inline properties with extension functions can further enhance the expressiveness and readability of DSLs. By defining extension functions on inline properties, we can add additional functionality and create more complex DSL scenarios.

Handling complex DSL scenarios

Inline properties can be used to handle complex DSL scenarios by providing a more concise and intuitive syntax. By leveraging inline properties, developers can create DSLs that are easier to read, understand, and maintain.

Best practices and tips

When using inline properties in DSLs, it is important to follow best practices to ensure code readability and maintainability. Here are some tips to consider:

  • Use meaningful and descriptive names for inline properties to improve code readability.
  • Keep the DSL syntax consistent and intuitive to make it easier for users to understand and use the DSL.
  • Document the DSL and provide examples to help users understand how to use it effectively.
  • Test the DSL thoroughly to ensure its correctness and reliability.

Performance Considerations

Impact of inline properties on performance

Inline properties can have a positive impact on performance by eliminating method calls and reducing the overhead associated with accessing properties. However, it is important to consider the trade-off between performance and code readability when using inline properties.

Optimizing inline properties for better performance

To optimize inline properties for better performance, consider the following tips:

  • Use inline properties sparingly and only when they provide a significant benefit in terms of code readability or performance.
  • Avoid using inline properties in performance-critical sections of code, as they may introduce unnecessary overhead.
  • Profile your code to identify performance bottlenecks and optimize them accordingly.

Use Cases and Real-World Examples

Exploring various use cases for inline properties

Inline properties can be used in a wide range of use cases, including but not limited to:

  • Creating DSLs for configuration files or scripts.
  • Defining fluent APIs for building complex data structures.
  • Creating custom query languages for databases or APIs.
  • Implementing state machines or workflow engines.

Real-world examples of inline properties in action

Here are a few real-world examples of how inline properties have been used in Kotlin:

  • Ktor: Ktor, a popular web framework in Kotlin, uses inline properties to provide a concise and expressive syntax for building HTTP requests and handling responses.
  • Anko: Anko, a Kotlin library for Android development, uses inline properties to provide a DSL for creating Android layouts programmatically.
  • Exposed: Exposed, a Kotlin library for database query and schema generation, uses inline properties to provide a type-safe DSL for building SQL queries.


In this tutorial, we explored Kotlin's inline properties and how they can be used to create DSLs. We started by understanding what DSLs are and the benefits of using them in Kotlin. Then, we delved into the concept of inline properties, how they work, and provided syntax and usage examples. We also discussed how inline properties can be leveraged to create DSLs and provided real-world examples. Additionally, we covered advanced techniques such as combining inline properties with extension functions and handling complex DSL scenarios. We also discussed the impact of inline properties on performance and provided tips for optimizing them. Finally, we explored various use cases for inline properties and provided real-world examples. By leveraging Kotlin's inline properties, developers can create more expressive, concise, and maintainable DSLs.