Exploring Kotlin's Inline Classes for Type-Safe Builders with DSLs and Extensions

This tutorial will explore Kotlin's inline classes and how they can be used in combination with type-safe builders, DSLs (Domain-Specific Languages), and extensions. We will start by understanding what inline classes are and their benefits. Then, we will delve into type-safe builders and how they can be defined. Next, we will explore inline classes in Kotlin and their syntax and usage. After that, we will learn how to create DSLs using inline classes and build a DSL for HTML generation as an example. Finally, we will discuss how to extend DSL functionality using inline classes and provide some best practices and tips for using inline classes in DSLs.

exploring kotlins inline classes type safe builders dsls extensions


What are Inline Classes?

Inline classes were introduced in Kotlin 1.3 as a way to define lightweight wrapper classes with minimal runtime overhead. An inline class is essentially a wrapper around a single value, allowing you to enforce type-safety and provide additional functionality. Inline classes are defined using the inline modifier and have a restricted set of allowed operations.

Benefits of Inline Classes

Inline classes offer several benefits in terms of type-safety, performance, and code readability. They allow you to create more expressive and self-explanatory code by enforcing type constraints at compile-time. Inline classes also have minimal runtime overhead due to their inline nature, making them efficient for performance-sensitive operations.

Type-Safe Builders

Type-safe builders are a design pattern in Kotlin that allows you to create a DSL-like syntax for building complex objects or data structures. With type-safe builders, you can define a fluent API that provides a set of chained function calls, resulting in a readable and concise code structure. Inline classes can be used in conjunction with type-safe builders to enhance type-safety and provide a more expressive DSL.

Overview of Type-Safe Builders

Type-safe builders allow you to define a DSL for building complex objects or data structures. In a type-safe builder, each function call represents a step in the construction process, and the return type of each function represents the type of the object being built. This allows for a fluent and readable syntax.

How to Define Type-Safe Builders

To define a type-safe builder, you need to create a class or an object that serves as the entry point for the DSL. This class or object should provide a set of functions that represent the steps in the construction process. Each function should return the object being built or a modified version of it. The return type of each function should be the same as the type of the object being built.

class PersonBuilder {
    private var name: String = ""
    private var age: Int = 0
    fun name(name: String): PersonBuilder {
        this.name = name
        return this
    fun age(age: Int): PersonBuilder {
        this.age = age
        return this
    fun build(): Person {
        return Person(name, age)

data class Person(val name: String, val age: Int)

val person = PersonBuilder()
    .name("John Doe")

In the example above, we define a PersonBuilder class that allows us to construct Person objects. The PersonBuilder class has name and age properties, which can be set using the name and age functions. The build function returns a Person object based on the values set in the builder.

Example: Creating a DSL with Type-Safe Builders

Let's create a DSL for building HTML elements using type-safe builders. We will define a HtmlBuilder class that allows us to create HTML elements with attributes and nested elements.

class HtmlBuilder {
    private val elements = mutableListOf<HtmlElement>()
    fun element(name: String, init: HtmlElement.() -> Unit) {
        val element = HtmlElement(name)
    fun build(): String {
        val stringBuilder = StringBuilder()
        elements.forEach { stringBuilder.append(it.render()) }
        return stringBuilder.toString()

class HtmlElement(private val name: String) {
    private val attributes = mutableMapOf<String, String>()
    private val children = mutableListOf<HtmlElement>()
    fun attribute(name: String, value: String) {
        attributes[name] = value
    fun element(name: String, init: HtmlElement.() -> Unit) {
        val element = HtmlElement(name)
    fun render(): String {
        val stringBuilder = StringBuilder()
        attributes.forEach { (attr, value) -> stringBuilder.append(" $attr=\"$value\"") }
        if (children.isEmpty()) {
        } else {
            children.forEach { stringBuilder.append(it.render()) }
        return stringBuilder.toString()

val html = HtmlBuilder().apply {
    element("div") {
        attribute("class", "container")
        element("h1") {
            attribute("class", "title")
            +"Hello, Kotlin!"


In the example above, we define a HtmlBuilder class that allows us to build HTML elements. The HtmlBuilder class has an element function that takes the name of the element and a lambda function (init) as parameters. Inside the lambda function, we can set attributes and add nested elements using the attribute and element functions. The build function returns the final HTML string.

We also define a HtmlElement class that represents an HTML element. The HtmlElement class has attribute and element functions for adding attributes and nested elements, respectively. The render function generates the HTML string representation of the element.

To use the DSL, we create an instance of the HtmlBuilder class and use the element and attribute functions to build the desired HTML structure. The resulting HTML string is obtained by calling the build function.

Inline Classes in Kotlin

Understanding Inline Classes

Inline classes in Kotlin are a way to define lightweight wrapper classes that have minimal runtime overhead. Inline classes are defined using the inline modifier and have a restricted set of allowed operations. The restrictions ensure that the inline classes are optimized by the compiler and have the same representation as their underlying type at runtime.

Syntax and Usage

To define an inline class, you need to use the inline modifier in the class declaration. The underlying type of the inline class is specified using the value keyword. Inside the inline class, you can define properties and functions as you would in a regular class.

inline class Email(val value: String)

In the example above, we define an inline class Email that wraps a String value. The value property holds the underlying value of the inline class.

Inline classes can be used as regular classes in most cases. However, there are some restrictions that ensure the inline classes are optimized by the compiler. For example, inline classes cannot have nullable types or non-primitive types as their underlying type. Inline classes also cannot have any backing properties or inheritance.

Limitations and Considerations

When using inline classes, there are some limitations and considerations to keep in mind. Since inline classes have the same representation as their underlying type at runtime, they cannot be used in scenarios where the type information is lost, such as when storing them in collections or serializing them.

Inline classes should be used judiciously and only when the benefits outweigh the limitations. It's important to consider the runtime overhead and the impact on performance when using inline classes.

Creating DSLs with Inline Classes

Building a DSL with Inline Classes

Inline classes can be used to enhance the type-safety and expressiveness of DSLs. Let's create a DSL for generating HTML elements using inline classes. We will define an HtmlElement inline class that wraps a String value representing the element name.

inline class HtmlElement(val name: String)

fun html(init: HtmlElement.() -> Unit): HtmlElement {
    val htmlElement = HtmlElement("html")
    return htmlElement

fun HtmlElement.head(init: HtmlElement.() -> Unit) {
    val headElement = HtmlElement("head")

fun HtmlElement.body(init: HtmlElement.() -> Unit) {
    val bodyElement = HtmlElement("body")

fun HtmlElement.render(): String {
    return "<$name></$name>"

val html = html {
    head {}
    body {}


In the example above, we define an HtmlElement inline class that wraps a String value representing the element name. We also define extension functions for the HtmlElement class, such as head and body, that allow us to add nested elements.

To use the DSL, we define a top-level function html that takes a lambda function (init) as a parameter. Inside the lambda function, we can create the desired HTML structure using the HtmlElement and extension functions. The resulting HTML string is obtained by calling the render function on the root HtmlElement.

Extending DSLs with Inline Classes

Extending DSL Functionality

Inline classes can be used to extend the functionality of DSLs by providing additional operations or properties. Let's extend the HTML DSL we created earlier by adding support for custom tags.

inline class HtmlElement(val name: String)

fun html(init: HtmlElement.() -> Unit): HtmlElement {
    val htmlElement = HtmlElement("html")
    return htmlElement

fun HtmlElement.head(init: HtmlElement.() -> Unit) {
    val headElement = HtmlElement("head")

fun HtmlElement.body(init: HtmlElement.() -> Unit) {
    val bodyElement = HtmlElement("body")

fun HtmlElement.customTag(tag: String, init: HtmlElement.() -> Unit) {
    val customElement = HtmlElement(tag)

fun HtmlElement.render(): String {
    return "<$name></$name>"

val html = html {
    head {}
    body {
        customTag("custom") {}


In the example above, we define a new extension function customTag for the HtmlElement class that allows us to add custom tags. The customTag function takes a tag name and a lambda function (init) as parameters. Inside the lambda function, we can create the desired structure for the custom tag.

To use the extended DSL, we can now use the customTag function to add custom tags to the HTML structure.

Best Practices and Tips

Tips for Using Inline Classes in DSLs

When using inline classes in DSLs, it's important to keep the following tips in mind:

  1. Use inline classes judiciously: Inline classes should be used when they provide clear benefits in terms of type-safety and expressiveness. Avoid using inline classes in scenarios where the type information is lost or in performance-critical code.

  2. Keep the DSL simple and readable: DSLs should be designed to be easy to read and understand. Use meaningful names for functions and classes, and provide clear documentation for the DSL.

  3. Use extension functions to extend DSL functionality: Extension functions allow you to add new operations or properties to existing classes. Use extension functions to extend the functionality of the DSL and provide additional convenience methods.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

When working with inline classes in DSLs, there are some common pitfalls to avoid:

  1. Mixing inline classes with regular classes: Avoid mixing inline classes with regular classes in the same DSL. This can lead to confusion and make the code harder to understand. Keep the DSL consistent and use inline classes throughout.

  2. Overusing inline classes: Inline classes should be used sparingly and only when necessary. Overusing inline classes can lead to unnecessary complexity and negatively impact performance.

  3. Ignoring performance considerations: While inline classes provide benefits in terms of type-safety and expressiveness, it's important to consider the runtime overhead and the impact on performance. Avoid using inline classes in performance-critical code or in scenarios where the type information is lost.


In this tutorial, we explored Kotlin's inline classes and how they can be used in combination with type-safe builders, DSLs, and extensions. We learned what inline classes are and their benefits, as well as how to define type-safe builders and create DSLs using inline classes. We also discussed how to extend DSL functionality using inline classes and provided some best practices and tips for using inline classes in DSLs. By leveraging inline classes, we can create more expressive and type-safe DSLs that are easier to read and maintain.