Exploring Kotlin's Inline Classes

Inline classes are a powerful feature introduced in Kotlin 1.3 that allow you to create lightweight, type-safe abstractions. They are a great addition to the language that can help improve code readability and performance. In this tutorial, we will explore the concept of inline classes, their benefits, how to declare and work with them, and their use cases.

exploring kotlins inline classes kotlin development

What are inline classes?

Inline classes are a special kind of class in Kotlin that can only have one property. They are designed to wrap a single value and provide type safety at compile-time. Inline classes are similar to regular classes, but they have some restrictions and performance benefits. They are declared using the inline modifier.

Benefits of using inline classes

There are several benefits to using inline classes in your Kotlin code:

  1. Type safety: Inline classes provide strong type safety by ensuring that a specific value is always associated with a specific type. This helps catch errors at compile-time and prevents runtime errors.

  2. Performance optimization: Inline classes have a minimal runtime overhead compared to regular classes. They are represented by their underlying value at runtime, which reduces memory usage and improves performance.

  3. Code readability: Inline classes make the code more expressive and self-documenting. They allow you to create domain-specific types and enforce constraints on the values they wrap.

Declaring Inline Classes

To declare an inline class in Kotlin, you need to use the inline modifier before the class keyword. The class declaration should have only one property. Here is the syntax for declaring inline classes:

inline class InlineClassName(val value: ValueType)

The InlineClassName is the name of the inline class, and ValueType is the type of the property that the inline class wraps.

Syntax for declaring inline classes

When declaring inline classes, there are some restrictions to keep in mind:

  1. Only one property: Inline classes can only have one property. This property must be a val or var and cannot have any annotations or modifiers.

  2. No inheritance: Inline classes cannot be inherited from or used as a base class. They also cannot inherit from other classes.

  3. No interface implementation: Inline classes cannot implement interfaces.

  4. No extension functions or properties: Inline classes cannot have any extension functions or properties.

Working with Inline Classes

Now that we know how to declare inline classes, let's explore how to work with them.

Creating instances of inline classes

Creating instances of inline classes is similar to creating instances of regular classes. You can use the constructor to pass the value that the inline class should wrap. Here is an example:

val myInlineClass = InlineClassName(10)

In this example, we create an instance of the InlineClassName inline class and pass the value 10. The myInlineClass variable will now hold this instance.

Type compatibility with inline classes

Inline classes are compatible with their underlying value types. This means that you can assign an inline class instance to a variable of its underlying value type, and vice versa. Here is an example:

val myInt: Int = myInlineClass.value
val myInlineClass2: InlineClassName = myInt

In this example, we assign the value of the myInlineClass instance to the myInt variable of type Int. We can also assign an Int value to a variable of type InlineClassName.

Accessing underlying values

To access the underlying value of an inline class instance, you can simply use the property name. Here is an example:

val value = myInlineClass.value

In this example, we access the value property of the myInlineClass instance and assign it to the value variable.

Inline Classes vs Regular Classes

Inline classes have some performance differences compared to regular classes. Let's explore these differences.

Memory usage

Inline classes have a smaller memory footprint compared to regular classes. They are represented by their underlying value at runtime, which eliminates the need for an additional object to store the property value. This can lead to significant memory savings in certain scenarios.

Code readability

Inline classes can improve code readability by providing domain-specific types and enforcing constraints on the values they wrap. They make the code more expressive and self-documenting, as the type itself describes the purpose of the value.

Use Cases for Inline Classes

Inline classes are particularly useful in the following scenarios:

Domain-specific types

Inline classes can be used to create domain-specific types that encapsulate specific behavior or constraints. For example, you can create an inline class to represent a specific type of measurement, such as Length, and enforce constraints on the values it can hold.

Value objects

Inline classes can also be used as value objects to encapsulate a single value and provide type safety. For example, you can create an inline class to represent a user's age and ensure that it is always represented by an instance of the Age class.

Type-safe identifiers

Inline classes are useful for creating type-safe identifiers. For example, you can create an inline class to represent a unique identifier for a user and ensure that it is always represented by an instance of the UserId class.

Limitations of Inline Classes

Inline classes have some limitations that you should be aware of.

No inheritance

Inline classes cannot be inherited from or used as a base class. They also cannot inherit from other classes. This means that you cannot create a hierarchy of inline classes.

No interface implementation

Inline classes cannot implement interfaces. This means that you cannot use an inline class wherever an interface is expected.

No extension functions or properties

Inline classes cannot have any extension functions or properties. This means that you cannot add additional functionality to an inline class using extension functions or properties.


Inline classes are a powerful feature in Kotlin that allow you to create lightweight, type-safe abstractions. They provide several benefits such as improved code readability and performance optimization. In this tutorial, we explored what inline classes are, how to declare and work with them, their performance differences compared to regular classes, their use cases, and their limitations. Inline classes are a great addition to Kotlin and can greatly improve your code's quality and maintainability.