Exploring Kotlin's Expect and Actual Declarations

Summary: This tutorial will explore Kotlin's Expect and Actual Declarations, highlighting their importance in Kotlin development. We will cover the basic syntax, defining Expect declarations and implementing Actual declarations, working with platform-specific code, using Expect and Actual in multiplatform projects, advanced features like conditional Expect declarations and overriding Expect declarations, best practices for organizing Expect and Actual declarations, and real-world use cases such as cross-platform networking and shared data models.

exploring kotlins expect actual declarations kotlin development


What are Expect and Actual Declarations?

Expect and Actual Declarations are a feature in Kotlin that allows developers to write common code that can be used across multiple platforms, while still providing platform-specific implementations when necessary. With Expect and Actual Declarations, developers can define interfaces or classes with expected behavior, and then provide actual implementations for each platform.

Why are they important in Kotlin?

Kotlin is a cross-platform programming language that can be used to develop applications for various platforms such as Android, iOS, and the web. Expect and Actual Declarations allow developers to write shared code that can be easily adapted for different platforms, reducing code duplication and improving code maintainability. By separating platform-specific implementations, developers can easily switch between platforms or add support for new platforms without rewriting large portions of the codebase.

Basic Syntax

To define an Expect Declaration, we use the expect keyword followed by the declaration's name and optional parameters. This declaration represents the expected behavior that should be provided by the platform-specific implementation.

expect class Foo() {
    fun bar(): String

To implement an Actual Declaration, we use the actual keyword followed by the declaration's name and optional parameters. This declaration provides the platform-specific implementation for the corresponding Expect Declaration.

actual class Foo {
    actual fun bar(): String {
        return "Platform-specific implementation"

Defining Expect Declarations

Expect Declarations define the expected behavior of a class or interface that will be implemented by platform-specific code. These declarations act as placeholders for the actual implementations.

expect class NetworkClient() {
    fun get(url: String): String
    fun post(url: String, body: String): String

Implementing Actual Declarations

Actual Declarations provide the platform-specific implementation for the corresponding Expect Declarations. These implementations can use platform-specific APIs, libraries, or frameworks.

actual class NetworkClient {
    actual fun get(url: String): String {
        // Platform-specific code to perform a GET request

    actual fun post(url: String, body: String): String {
        // Platform-specific code to perform a POST request

Working with Platform-Specific Code

In some cases, the platform-specific code may need to be different for each platform. Kotlin provides platform-specific declarations that can be used to isolate platform-specific code.

expect fun platformSpecificFunction(): String
actual fun platformSpecificFunction(): String {
    // Android-specific implementation

Using Expect and Actual in Multiplatform Projects

Kotlin allows us to create multiplatform projects, where the shared codebase can be used on multiple platforms. Expect and Actual Declarations play a crucial role in multiplatform development by providing different implementations for each platform.

expect class PlatformUtils() {
    fun getVersion(): String
actual class PlatformUtils {
    actual fun getVersion(): String {
        // Android-specific implementation

Handling Platform-Specific Implementations

To use the platform-specific implementations in a multiplatform project, we can use the expect keyword to declare an instance of the shared interface or class and the actual keyword to provide the platform-specific implementation.

val networkClient = NetworkClient()
val version = PlatformUtils().getVersion()

Advanced Features

Conditional Expect Declarations

Conditional Expect Declarations allow us to define different expectations based on conditions. This can be useful when certain behavior is only supported on specific platforms.

expect class BarcodeScanner() {
    fun scan(): String

    fun enableCamera()

Overriding Expect Declarations

In some cases, we may want to provide a different implementation for an Expect Declaration in the Actual Declaration. This can be achieved by using the override keyword.

expect open class BaseClass {
    open fun foo(): String
actual open class BaseClass {
    actual open fun foo(): String {
        // Platform-specific implementation

Best Practices

Organizing Expect and Actual Declarations

To improve code readability and maintainability, it is recommended to organize Expect and Actual Declarations in separate files or packages. This separation allows developers to easily locate and update platform-specific code.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls

When working with Expect and Actual Declarations, it's important to avoid common pitfalls such as forgetting to provide an Actual Declaration for an Expect Declaration or mismatching function signatures between Expect and Actual Declarations.

Use Cases

Cross-platform Networking

Expect and Actual Declarations are commonly used in cross-platform networking libraries. By defining a shared interface for network requests and providing platform-specific implementations, developers can write networking code that works seamlessly across different platforms.

Shared Data Models

Expect and Actual Declarations can also be used to define shared data models that can be used across multiple platforms. By providing platform-specific implementations for serialization or deserialization, developers can ensure consistent data handling across platforms.


In this tutorial, we explored Kotlin's Expect and Actual Declarations and their importance in Kotlin development. We covered the basic syntax, defining Expect and Actual Declarations, working with platform-specific code, using Expect and Actual in multiplatform projects, advanced features like conditional Expect Declarations and overriding Expect Declarations, best practices for organizing Expect and Actual Declarations, and real-world use cases. By leveraging Expect and Actual Declarations, developers can write cross-platform code that is flexible, maintainable, and efficient.