Exploring Kotlin's Companion Objects

In this tutorial, we will explore Kotlin's companion objects and learn how they can be used in software development. Companion objects in Kotlin are special objects that are associated with a class and have a similar behavior to static members in Java. They can be created within a class and provide a way to define properties and functions that can be accessed without having an instance of the class.

exploring kotlins companion objects kotlin development

What are Companion Objects?

Companion objects in Kotlin are objects that are declared within a class and are associated with that class. They are similar to static members in Java, but with some additional features. Companion objects can have properties and functions, just like regular objects, but they can also access the private members of the class they are associated with. This makes them useful for defining utility functions or factory methods that are related to the class.

Why are Companion Objects useful?

Companion objects can be useful in many scenarios. They provide a way to define utility functions or factory methods that are related to a class, without the need for an instance of the class. This can make the code more concise and easier to read. Companion objects can also be used to define constants or shared properties that are common to all instances of a class.

Creating Companion Objects

To create a companion object in Kotlin, you need to use the companion keyword followed by the object keyword. Here is an example:

class MyClass {
    companion object {
        // companion object properties and functions

In the example above, we have defined a companion object within the MyClass class. The companion object can now have its own properties and functions.


Companion objects in Kotlin can be accessed using the name of the class followed by the companion keyword. Here is an example:

class MyClass {
    companion object {
        fun myFunction() {
            println("Hello from companion object!")

fun main() {
    MyClass.myFunction() // Output: Hello from companion object!

In the example above, we have defined a function myFunction in the companion object of the MyClass class. We can then access this function using the name of the class followed by the companion keyword.

Accessing Companion Object properties and functions

Companion object properties and functions can be accessed using the name of the class followed by the companion keyword, just like static members in Java. Here is an example:

class MyClass {
    companion object {
        val myProperty = "Hello from companion object!"
        fun myFunction() {

fun main() {
    println(MyClass.myProperty) // Output: Hello from companion object!
    MyClass.myFunction() // Output: Hello from companion object!

In the example above, we have defined a property myProperty and a function myFunction in the companion object of the MyClass class. We can access the property directly using the name of the class followed by the companion keyword. The function can also access the property directly.

Companion Object vs Object Declaration

Companion objects and object declarations in Kotlin are similar in some ways, but they have some differences. Both companion objects and object declarations can have properties and functions, and both can be accessed without having an instance of a class. However, there are some differences in how they can be used.

Companion objects are associated with a class and can access the private members of the class. This means that they can be used to define properties and functions that are related to the class and can access its private members. On the other hand, object declarations are independent objects that can't access the private members of a class. They are more like singletons, where there is only one instance of the object.

Differences between Companion Objects and Object Declarations

Companion objects and object declarations in Kotlin have some differences that should be considered when deciding which one to use.

Companion objects are associated with a class and can access its private members. This can be useful when you need to define properties or functions that are related to the class and need access to its private members. On the other hand, object declarations are independent objects and can't access the private members of a class. They are more suitable for cases where you need a single instance of an object, like a singleton.

When to use Companion Objects over Object Declarations

Companion objects are useful in scenarios where you need to define properties or functions that are related to a class and need access to its private members. They can be used to define utility functions or factory methods that are associated with the class. On the other hand, object declarations are useful when you need a single instance of an object, like a singleton, and don't need access to the private members of a class.

Companion Object Extensions

In Kotlin, you can also extend companion objects with extension functions. This allows you to add new functions to companion objects without modifying the original class. Here is an example:

class MyClass {
    companion object {
        fun myFunction() {
            println("Hello from companion object!")

fun MyClass.Companion.myExtensionFunction() {
    println("Hello from extension function!")

fun main() {
    MyClass.myFunction() // Output: Hello from companion object!
    MyClass.myExtensionFunction() // Output: Hello from extension function!

In the example above, we have defined an extension function myExtensionFunction for the companion object of the MyClass class. We can then call this function on the companion object just like any other function.

Extending Companion Objects with Extension Functions

Extension functions can be useful when you want to add new functionality to a companion object without modifying the original class. They allow you to extend the capabilities of a companion object and make it more versatile. Extension functions can be defined outside of the class and can be called on the companion object using the companion keyword.

Benefits of using Companion Object Extensions

Using companion object extensions can provide several benefits. First, it allows you to add new functionality to a companion object without modifying the original class. This can make the code more modular and easier to maintain. Second, it allows you to reuse code across different companion objects that have similar functionality. This can help reduce code duplication and improve code reuse.

Companion Object Inheritance

Companion objects in Kotlin can also be inherited from a superclass or implemented by an interface. This means that you can define a companion object in a superclass and override its properties and functions in a subclass. Here is an example:

open class SuperClass {
    companion object {
        open fun myFunction() {
            println("Hello from super companion object!")

class SubClass : SuperClass() {
    companion object {
        override fun myFunction() {
            println("Hello from sub companion object!")

fun main() {
    SuperClass.myFunction() // Output: Hello from super companion object!
    SubClass.myFunction() // Output: Hello from sub companion object!

In the example above, we have defined a companion object in the SuperClass and overridden its function in the SubClass. We can then call the function on both the SuperClass and SubClass and get different outputs.

Inheriting from Companion Objects

Inheriting from companion objects allows you to customize the behavior of the companion object in a subclass. You can override its properties and functions to provide a different implementation. This can be useful when you have a common functionality in multiple classes and want to customize it for each class.

Overriding Companion Object properties and functions

To override a companion object property or function in a subclass, you need to declare the companion object again in the subclass and use the override keyword. This allows you to provide a different implementation for the property or function. Here is an example:

open class SuperClass {
    companion object {
        open val myProperty = "Hello from super companion object!"
        open fun myFunction() {

class SubClass : SuperClass() {
    companion object {
        override val myProperty = "Hello from sub companion object!"
        override fun myFunction() {

fun main() {
    println(SuperClass.myProperty) // Output: Hello from super companion object!
    SuperClass.myFunction() // Output: Hello from super companion object!
    println(SubClass.myProperty) // Output: Hello from sub companion object!
    SubClass.myFunction() // Output: Hello from sub companion object!

In the example above, we have overridden the property myProperty and the function myFunction in the companion object of the SubClass. We can then access these properties and functions on both the SuperClass and SubClass and get different outputs.

Companion Object Best Practices

When using companion objects in Kotlin, there are some best practices that you should keep in mind.

Naming conventions

It is recommended to use a descriptive name for companion objects that reflects their purpose. This can make the code more readable and easier to understand. You can use naming conventions like Companion or Factory to indicate the purpose of the companion object.

Limitations and considerations

Companion objects in Kotlin have some limitations and considerations that should be kept in mind. First, companion objects can't be used as a receiver for extension functions. This means that you can't define extension functions directly on a companion object. Second, companion objects can't be used in type parameter bounds or in where clauses. This means that you can't use a companion object as a type argument or in a type constraint.


In this tutorial, we have explored Kotlin's companion objects and learned how they can be used in software development. Companion objects are associated with a class and can have properties and functions that can be accessed without having an instance of the class. They can be used to define utility functions or factory methods that are related to the class. We have also learned about the differences between companion objects and object declarations, and when to use each one. Additionally, we have seen how companion objects can be extended with extension functions and how they can be inherited and overridden in subclasses. Finally, we have discussed some best practices and considerations when using companion objects in Kotlin.