Exploring Kotlin Standard Library Functions

In this tutorial, we will explore the Kotlin Standard Library functions and their various use cases. The Kotlin Standard Library is a collection of functions and extension functions that provide common functionality for Kotlin developers. It includes functions for null safety, functional programming, collections, and more. By leveraging the Kotlin Standard Library, developers can write cleaner and more concise code.

exploring kotlin standard library functions

What is Kotlin Standard Library?

The Kotlin Standard Library is a set of functions and extension functions that are bundled with the Kotlin programming language. These functions provide common functionality that is often needed in Kotlin development. The Standard Library is included with every Kotlin project and can be accessed directly without any additional setup.

Why should you use Kotlin Standard Library?

The Kotlin Standard Library offers several benefits for developers. First and foremost, it provides a set of commonly used functions that can help simplify and streamline code. These functions are designed to be concise and expressive, making it easier to write clean and readable code. Additionally, the Standard Library includes functions for null safety, functional programming, and collections, which can help improve code quality and performance.

Commonly Used Functions

The Kotlin Standard Library includes several commonly used functions that can be used in various scenarios. Let's explore some of these functions in detail.

let() function

The let() function is a scoping function that allows you to execute a block of code on a non-null object. It takes a lambda function as a parameter and returns the result of the lambda function. The object on which the let() function is called becomes the receiver object inside the lambda function.

val name: String? = "John"

name?.let {
    println("Name is $it") // Output: Name is John

In the above example, the let() function is called on the name variable, which is a nullable String. The lambda function inside the let() function is executed only if the name variable is not null. Inside the lambda function, the non-null value of name is referred to as it.

apply() function

The apply() function is another scoping function that allows you to configure the properties of an object. It takes a lambda function as a parameter and returns the object itself. Inside the lambda function, the object becomes the receiver object, allowing you to access its properties and methods directly.

class Person {
    var name: String = ""
    var age: Int = 0

val person = Person().apply {
    name = "John"
    age = 30

In the above example, the apply() function is called on a Person object. Inside the lambda function, the properties name and age of the Person object are assigned values.

run() function

The run() function is a scoping function that combines the features of let() and apply(). It allows you to execute a block of code on an object and return a result. Similar to the let() function, the object on which the run() function is called becomes the receiver object inside the lambda function.

val list = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

val sum = list.run {
    var result = 0
    forEach { result += it }

println("Sum: $sum") // Output: Sum: 15

In the above example, the run() function is called on a List object. Inside the lambda function, the forEach() function is used to iterate over the elements of the list and calculate the sum.

also() function

The also() function is a scoping function that allows you to perform additional actions on an object. It takes a lambda function as a parameter and returns the object itself. Inside the lambda function, the object becomes the receiver object, allowing you to access its properties and methods directly.

val numbers = mutableListOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

val doubledNumbers = numbers.also {
    it.replaceAll { number -> number * 2 }

println("Doubled Numbers: $doubledNumbers") // Output: Doubled Numbers: [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

In the above example, the also() function is called on a MutableList object. Inside the lambda function, the replaceAll() function is used to double each element of the list.

with() function

The with() function is a scoping function that allows you to perform operations on an object without the need to call its methods explicitly. It takes an object and a lambda function as parameters. Inside the lambda function, the object becomes the receiver object, allowing you to access its properties and methods directly.

class Rectangle {
    var width: Int = 0
    var height: Int = 0

    fun calculateArea(): Int {
        return width * height

val rectangle = Rectangle().apply {
    width = 10
    height = 5

val area = with(rectangle) {

println("Area: $area") // Output: Area: 50

In the above example, the with() function is called on a Rectangle object. Inside the lambda function, the calculateArea() function is called on the Rectangle object.

Functional Programming Functions

The Kotlin Standard Library includes several functions that are commonly used in functional programming. These functions can help in transforming and processing data in a functional style. Let's explore some of these functions in detail.

map() function

The map() function allows you to transform each element of a collection into another form. It takes a lambda function as a parameter and returns a new collection with the transformed elements.

val numbers = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

val squaredNumbers = numbers.map { it * it }

println("Squared Numbers: $squaredNumbers") // Output: Squared Numbers: [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]

In the above example, the map() function is called on a List object. Inside the lambda function, each element of the list is squared using the multiplication operator.

filter() function

The filter() function allows you to select elements from a collection based on a condition. It takes a lambda function as a parameter and returns a new collection with the selected elements.

val numbers = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

val evenNumbers = numbers.filter { it % 2 == 0 }

println("Even Numbers: $evenNumbers") // Output: Even Numbers: [2, 4]

In the above example, the filter() function is called on a List object. Inside the lambda function, the condition it % 2 == 0 is used to select the even numbers from the list.

reduce() function

The reduce() function allows you to perform a reduction operation on a collection. It takes a lambda function as a parameter and returns a single value. The lambda function takes two parameters: an accumulator and an element, and returns the result of the reduction operation.

val numbers = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

val sum = numbers.reduce { accumulator, element -> accumulator + element }

println("Sum: $sum") // Output: Sum: 15

In the above example, the reduce() function is called on a List object. Inside the lambda function, the + operator is used to add the accumulator and the element.

Extension Functions

In addition to the functions provided by the Kotlin Standard Library, you can also create your own extension functions or use existing extension functions. Extension functions allow you to add new functionality to existing classes without modifying their source code.

Creating your own extension functions

To create an extension function, you need to define a function outside of any class and prefix the receiver type before the function name. The receiver type is the class on which the extension function is called. Inside the extension function, you can access the properties and methods of the receiver object using the this keyword.

fun String.isPalindrome(): Boolean {
    val reversed = this.reversed()
    return this == reversed

val word = "level"

val isPalindrome = word.isPalindrome()

println("Is Palindrome: $isPalindrome") // Output: Is Palindrome: true

In the above example, an extension function isPalindrome() is defined for the String class. Inside the extension function, the reversed() function is called on the receiver object to reverse the string. The extension function checks if the original string is equal to the reversed string and returns the result.

Using existing extension functions

The Kotlin Standard Library provides several extension functions that can be used to enhance the functionality of existing classes. These extension functions are defined in packages such as kotlin.collections, kotlin.text, and kotlin.io. You can import these packages and use the extension functions directly.

import kotlin.collections.joinToString

val numbers = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

val string = numbers.joinToString()

println("String: $string") // Output: String: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

In the above example, the joinToString() function is an extension function provided by the Kotlin Standard Library. It is defined in the kotlin.collections package. The extension function is called on a List object and returns a string representation of the elements of the list.

Null Safety Functions

The Kotlin Standard Library includes several functions that help in handling null values and exceptions. These functions can help improve code safety and prevent null pointer exceptions.

let() function for null safety

The let() function, which we discussed earlier, can also be used for null safety. By using the ?. operator to call the let() function on a nullable object, you can ensure that the block of code inside the lambda function is executed only if the object is not null.

val name: String? = null

name?.let {
    println("Name is $it")
} ?: run {
    println("Name is null")

In the above example, the ?. operator is used to call the let() function on the name variable, which is nullable. If the name variable is not null, the block of code inside the lambda function is executed. If the name variable is null, the ?: operator is used to call the run() function and execute the block of code inside it.

runCatching() function for exception handling

The runCatching() function allows you to handle exceptions in a more concise and expressive way. It takes a lambda function as a parameter and returns a Result object that represents the result of the lambda function. If the lambda function throws an exception, the Result object contains the exception. Otherwise, the Result object contains the result of the lambda function.

val ageString = "30a"

val ageResult = runCatching {

if (ageResult.isSuccess) {
    val age = ageResult.getOrNull()
    println("Age: $age")
} else {
    val exception = ageResult.exceptionOrNull()
    println("Error: $exception")

In the above example, the runCatching() function is called on a lambda function that attempts to convert a string to an integer. If the conversion is successful, the Result object contains the age value. If the conversion throws an exception, the Result object contains the exception.

Collections Functions

The Kotlin Standard Library provides several functions for working with collections. These functions can help in iterating, grouping, and sorting collections.

forEach() function

The forEach() function allows you to perform an action on each element of a collection. It takes a lambda function as a parameter and applies the lambda function to each element of the collection.

val numbers = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

numbers.forEach {

In the above example, the forEach() function is called on a List object. Inside the lambda function, each element of the list is printed to the console.

groupBy() function

The groupBy() function allows you to group elements of a collection based on a key. It takes a lambda function as a parameter that returns the key for each element. The function returns a map where the keys are the unique keys returned by the lambda function, and the values are lists of elements with the same key.

val words = listOf("apple", "banana", "cherry", "date")

val groupedWords = words.groupBy { it.first() }

println("Grouped Words: $groupedWords") // Output: Grouped Words: {a=[apple], b=[banana], c=[cherry], d=[date]}

In the above example, the groupBy() function is called on a List of words. Inside the lambda function, the first() function is used to get the first character of each word. The words are then grouped based on the first character.

sortedBy() function

The sortedBy() function allows you to sort a collection based on a key. It takes a lambda function as a parameter that returns the key for each element. The function returns a new collection with the elements sorted based on the key.

val numbers = listOf(5, 2, 4, 1, 3)

val sortedNumbers = numbers.sortedBy { it }

println("Sorted Numbers: $sortedNumbers") // Output: Sorted Numbers: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

In the above example, the sortedBy() function is called on a List of numbers. Inside the lambda function, each number is used as the key for sorting. The numbers are then sorted in ascending order.


In this tutorial, we explored the Kotlin Standard Library functions and their various use cases. We covered commonly used functions such as let(), apply(), run(), also(), and with(). We also discussed functional programming functions such as map(), filter(), and reduce(). Additionally, we explored extension functions, null safety functions, and collections functions. By leveraging the Kotlin Standard Library, developers can write cleaner and more concise code and improve code quality and performance.