Dependency Injection in Android with Kotlin

This tutorial will provide a comprehensive guide to implementing dependency injection in Android using Kotlin. We will explore the concept of dependency injection, its benefits, and its application in Android development. We will also cover the basics of Kotlin programming language and how it can be used to implement dependency injection. Additionally, we will discuss testing strategies for dependency-injected code and best practices for organizing dependencies.

dependency injection android kotlin dagger2


What is Dependency Injection?

Dependency injection is a design pattern that allows the separation of object creation and object usage. It involves injecting the dependent objects (dependencies) into a class rather than creating them within the class itself. This pattern promotes loose coupling between classes and facilitates easier testing and maintainability.

Benefits of Dependency Injection

Dependency injection offers several benefits in software development. It improves code reusability, as dependencies can be easily swapped or replaced. It enhances testability, as dependencies can be mocked or stubbed during unit testing. It also promotes modular and decoupled code, making it easier to maintain and refactor.

Dependency Injection in Android

Dependency injection in Android is crucial for building scalable and maintainable applications. Android applications often have complex dependency graphs, and managing these dependencies manually can lead to tightly coupled and hard-to-maintain code. By using dependency injection frameworks like Dagger 2, we can simplify the process of managing dependencies and achieve a more modular architecture.

Understanding Dependency Injection in Android

Before diving into the implementation details, it's important to understand the basics of dependency injection in the context of Android development. In Android, we can use third-party libraries like Dagger 2 to handle the dependency injection process. Dagger 2 is a compile-time dependency injection framework that generates efficient and optimized code based on annotations and configurations.

Using Dagger 2 for Dependency Injection

Dagger 2 is a popular choice for dependency injection in Android applications. It generates code at compile-time and eliminates the need for manual dependency injection. Dagger 2 uses annotations to define the dependencies and their injection points. It provides a clean and efficient way to manage dependencies in Android applications.

Setting up Dagger 2 in Android with Kotlin

To set up Dagger 2 in an Android project using Kotlin, we need to include the Dagger 2 dependencies in the project's build.gradle file. We also need to configure the Dagger 2 annotations processor to generate the necessary code during the build process. Once the setup is complete, we can start using Dagger 2 to define and inject dependencies in our code.

Basic Concepts of Kotlin

Before we start implementing dependency injection in Kotlin, let's have a brief overview of the Kotlin programming language. Kotlin is a modern programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and can be used for Android app development. It provides several features that make the development process more concise and expressive.

Overview of Kotlin Programming Language

Kotlin introduces many features that enhance the readability and maintainability of code. One of the key features of Kotlin is null safety, which eliminates the possibility of null pointer exceptions at compile-time. Kotlin also supports extension functions, which allow adding new functionality to existing classes without modifying their source code.

Null Safety in Kotlin

Null safety is a feature in Kotlin that helps prevent null pointer exceptions. In Kotlin, the type system differentiates between nullable and non-nullable types. By default, variables in Kotlin are non-nullable, and null values cannot be assigned to them. This prevents null pointer exceptions at compile-time and promotes safer code.

fun printLength(str: String?) {
    val length = str?.length ?: 0
    println("Length: $length")

In the above example, the printLength function takes a nullable String as a parameter. The safe call operator (?.) is used to access the length property of the string. If the string is null, the null coalescing operator (?:) is used to assign a default value of 0. This ensures that the code is null-safe and avoids potential null pointer exceptions.

Extension Functions in Kotlin

Extension functions allow adding new functions to existing classes without modifying their source code. This is particularly useful when working with third-party libraries or system classes. Extension functions can be defined by using the fun keyword followed by the class name and a receiver type. Inside the extension function, the this keyword refers to the instance of the class being extended.

fun String.isPalindrome(): Boolean {
    return this == this.reversed()

In the above example, an extension function isPalindrome is defined for the String class. It checks whether the string is a palindrome by comparing it with its reverse. The extension function can be called on any instance of the String class, providing a more concise and expressive syntax.

Implementing Dependency Injection in Kotlin

Now that we have a basic understanding of Kotlin, let's explore how to implement dependency injection in Kotlin using Dagger 2. We will start by creating injectable classes and then move on to injecting dependencies using Dagger 2. We will also cover the concepts of scopes and component dependencies.

Creating Injectable Classes

To create an injectable class in Kotlin, we need to annotate it with the @Inject annotation. This annotation tells Dagger 2 that the class requires dependencies to be injected. We can then use the injected dependencies in the class as needed.

class MyViewModel @Inject constructor(private val repository: MyRepository) {
    // Injected dependencies can be used here

In the above example, the MyViewModel class is marked with the @Inject annotation, indicating that it has dependencies to be injected. The MyRepository dependency is injected into the class constructor using the @Inject annotation. Once the dependencies are injected, they can be used within the class.

Injecting Dependencies using Dagger 2

To inject dependencies using Dagger 2, we need to define a module that provides the dependencies. This can be done by creating a class annotated with the @Module annotation. Inside the module class, we can define methods annotated with the @Provides annotation, which specify how to create and provide the dependencies.

class MyModule {
    fun provideMyRepository(): MyRepository {
        return MyRepositoryImpl()

In the above example, the MyModule class is annotated with @Module, indicating that it is a Dagger 2 module. The provideMyRepository method is annotated with @Provides, indicating that it provides an instance of MyRepository. Inside the method, we create and return an instance of the MyRepositoryImpl class, which implements the MyRepository interface.

Scopes and Component Dependencies

Scopes in Dagger 2 allow us to define the lifespan of a dependency. By default, dependencies provided by Dagger 2 are not scoped, meaning that a new instance is created every time the dependency is requested. However, we can use scopes to control the lifespan of dependencies and ensure that they are reused when needed.

@Component(modules = [MyModule::class])
interface MyComponent {
    fun inject(myActivity: MyActivity)

In the above example, the @Singleton annotation is used to define a scope for the MyComponent component. This means that all dependencies provided by the component will have a singleton lifespan. The MyComponent interface also defines the inject method, which is used to inject dependencies into the MyActivity class.

Testing Dependency Injection in Android

Testing dependency-injected code is crucial to ensure its correctness and robustness. In this section, we will explore different testing strategies for dependency injection, including mocking dependencies in tests and performing integration testing with dependency injection.

Unit Testing with Dependency Injection

In unit testing, we want to test a single unit of code in isolation. When testing code that depends on external dependencies, we can use mocking frameworks like Mockito to create mock objects for the dependencies. By replacing the real dependencies with mock objects, we can control their behavior and simulate various scenarios during testing.

class MyViewModelTest {

    lateinit var mockRepository: MyRepository

    lateinit var myViewModel: MyViewModel

    fun testGetData() {
        // Set up mock behavior
        Mockito.`when`(mockRepository.getData()).thenReturn("Test data")

        // Call the method under test
        val result = myViewModel.getData()

        // Assert the result
        assertEquals("Test data", result)

In the above example, we use the Mockito framework to create a mock object for the MyRepository dependency. The mock object is injected into the MyViewModel class using the @InjectMocks annotation. Inside the test method, we set up the mock behavior using the Mockito.when method and assert the result using the assertEquals method.

Integration Testing with Dependency Injection

Integration testing involves testing multiple components together to ensure their proper integration and behavior. When performing integration testing with dependency injection, we need to ensure that the real dependencies are used instead of mock objects. This can be achieved by configuring the Dagger 2 component to use the production module instead of the test module.

class MyIntegrationTest {

    lateinit var myRepository: MyRepository

    fun setup() {
        val app = ApplicationProvider.getApplicationContext<MyApplication>()
        val component = DaggerAppComponent.builder()

    fun testIntegration() {
        // Perform integration testing with real dependencies

In the above example, we use the DaggerAppComponent component to inject the real MyRepository dependency into the MyIntegrationTest class. Before running the test, we set up the Dagger 2 component by creating a new instance of the MyModule module and building the component. We then inject the dependencies using the inject method and perform the integration testing as needed.

Best Practices for Dependency Injection

To ensure the effectiveness and maintainability of dependency injection in Android with Kotlin, it is important to follow certain best practices. In this section, we will discuss organizing dependencies using constructor injection and avoiding common dependency injection anti-patterns.

Organizing Dependencies

Constructor injection is the recommended way to provide dependencies to a class. By injecting dependencies through the constructor, we explicitly declare the dependencies required by the class, making it easier to understand and test. Constructor injection also promotes loose coupling, as there are no hidden dependencies or implicit dependencies.

class MyViewModel(private val repository: MyRepository) {
    // Class with constructor injection

In the above example, the MyViewModel class uses constructor injection to receive the MyRepository dependency. By explicitly declaring the dependency in the constructor, we make it clear that the class depends on the repository to function properly.

Avoiding Dependency Injection Anti-patterns

When implementing dependency injection, it is important to avoid common anti-patterns that can lead to code complexity and maintainability issues. One such anti-pattern is the service locator pattern, where dependencies are obtained through a global service locator. This pattern hides dependencies and makes the code harder to understand and test.

Another anti-pattern is the use of field injection, where dependencies are injected directly into fields using the @Inject annotation. This can lead to tight coupling and make the code harder to test and maintain. It is recommended to use constructor injection instead, as it provides better visibility and control over dependencies.


In this tutorial, we explored the concept of dependency injection and its benefits in Android development. We learned how to implement dependency injection in Kotlin using Dagger 2, including creating injectable classes, injecting dependencies, and managing scopes. We also discussed testing strategies for dependency-injected code and best practices for organizing dependencies. By following these guidelines, we can build more scalable, maintainable, and testable Android applications using Kotlin.