Building a Travel Booking App with Kotlin and Amadeus API

This tutorial will guide you through the process of building a travel booking app using Kotlin and the Amadeus API. We will cover everything from setting up the project to implementing the user interface, integrating the Amadeus API, adding additional features such as user authentication and payment gateway, and finally, testing and debugging the app.

building travel booking app kotlin amadeus api


A travel booking app allows users to search for flights, hotels, and other travel services, compare prices and availability, and make bookings directly from their mobile devices. Building a travel booking app can be a complex task, but with the right tools and technologies, it can be made easier and more efficient.

Why use Kotlin for App Development? Kotlin is a modern programming language that is designed to be concise, expressive, and interoperable with Java. It offers many benefits for app development, including improved productivity, enhanced code readability, and reduced boilerplate code. Kotlin is also fully supported by Google for Android app development, making it an ideal choice for building Android apps.

Overview of Amadeus API Amadeus is a leading provider of travel technology solutions, offering a wide range of APIs for developers to integrate into their travel apps. The Amadeus API provides access to a wealth of travel data, including flight schedules, hotel availability, and pricing information. By integrating the Amadeus API into your travel booking app, you can provide users with real-time travel information and streamline the booking process.

Setting Up the Project

Installing Kotlin Before you can start building your travel booking app, you need to install Kotlin on your development machine. Kotlin can be installed as a plugin for popular integrated development environments (IDEs) such as Android Studio and IntelliJ IDEA. Once you have installed Kotlin, you can create a new Kotlin project.

Creating a New Project To create a new Kotlin project, open Android Studio and select "Start a new Android Studio project" from the welcome screen. Follow the prompts to configure your project settings, such as the project name, package name, and minimum SDK version. Make sure to select Kotlin as the programming language for your project.

Adding Amadeus API Dependency To integrate the Amadeus API into your Kotlin project, you need to add the Amadeus API dependency to your project's build.gradle file. Open the build.gradle file for your project and add the following line to the dependencies block:

implementation 'com.amadeus:amadeus-android:1.4.0'

Sync your project with Gradle to download the Amadeus API dependency.

Implementing User Interface

Designing App Layout The first step in implementing the user interface for your travel booking app is to design the app layout. This can be done using XML layout files in Android Studio's layout editor. Create a new XML layout file for each screen of your app, such as the search screen, search results screen, and booking screen. Use the available layout components, such as TextViews, EditTexts, and Buttons, to create the desired layout for each screen.

Handling User Input Once you have designed the app layout, you need to handle user input. This can be done by adding event listeners to the relevant UI components, such as EditTexts and Buttons. For example, you can add a click listener to the search button to initiate a search for flights or hotels based on the user's input. Inside the click listener, you can retrieve the user's input from the EditTexts and pass it to the appropriate API method for searching.

Displaying Search Results After making an API request for flights or hotels, you need to display the search results to the user. This can be done by populating a RecyclerView or ListView with the returned data. Create a custom adapter class to bind the data to the UI components in each item of the RecyclerView or ListView. Customize the layout of each item to display the relevant information, such as the flight or hotel name, price, and availability.

Integrating Amadeus API

Registering for Amadeus API Key Before you can start making API requests to the Amadeus API, you need to register for an API key. Visit the Amadeus for Developers website and sign up for an account. Once you have signed up, you can create a new application and obtain an API key. Make sure to securely store your API key and avoid committing it to any public repositories.

Making API Requests To make API requests to the Amadeus API, you need to create an instance of the Amadeus client and configure it with your API key. You can then call the relevant API methods to search for flights, hotels, and other travel services. The response from the API will be returned as a JSON object, which you can parse and handle in your Kotlin code.

Parsing and Handling API Responses After receiving the API response, you need to parse the JSON data and extract the relevant information. Depending on the structure of the JSON data, you can use the built-in JSON parsing capabilities of Kotlin or a third-party library such as Gson or Jackson. Once you have extracted the relevant information, you can display it to the user or perform further processing, such as filtering or sorting the data.

Adding Additional Features

Implementing User Authentication To provide a personalized experience for your users, you can implement user authentication in your travel booking app. This can be done using a combination of backend services, such as Firebase Authentication, and frontend UI components, such as login and registration screens. Once a user is authenticated, you can store their preferences and booking history to provide personalized recommendations and streamline the booking process.

Saving and Retrieving User Preferences To save and retrieve user preferences, such as preferred departure airports or hotel amenities, you can use the SharedPreferences API provided by Android. The SharedPreferences API allows you to store key-value pairs of primitive data types, such as strings and integers, persistently on the device. You can retrieve the user's preferences when they launch the app and use them to customize the search results and recommendations.

Integrating Payment Gateway To enable users to make bookings directly from your travel booking app, you need to integrate a payment gateway. A payment gateway allows users to securely enter their payment information and complete the booking process. There are many payment gateway providers available, such as Stripe and PayPal, that offer Android SDKs for easy integration. Follow the documentation provided by your chosen payment gateway provider to integrate their SDK into your Kotlin project.

Testing and Debugging

Writing Unit Tests To ensure the reliability and correctness of your travel booking app, it is important to write unit tests for your Kotlin code. Unit tests allow you to verify that individual components of your app, such as API methods or data processing functions, behave as expected. You can use the built-in testing frameworks provided by Android, such as JUnit and Espresso, to write and run unit tests for your Kotlin code.

Debugging Common Issues During the development of your travel booking app, you may encounter common issues such as crashes, performance problems, or unexpected behavior. To debug these issues, you can use the debugging tools provided by Android Studio, such as the debugger and logcat. The debugger allows you to step through your code and inspect variables and objects at runtime, while logcat provides real-time logs of your app's execution.

Testing App Performance In addition to writing unit tests, it is important to test the performance of your travel booking app under different scenarios. This can be done using profiling tools provided by Android Studio, such as the CPU profiler and memory profiler. The CPU profiler allows you to monitor the CPU usage of your app and identify any performance bottlenecks, while the memory profiler allows you to analyze the memory usage and detect any memory leaks.


In this tutorial, we have covered the process of building a travel booking app with Kotlin and the Amadeus API. We started by setting up the project and installing Kotlin, then implemented the user interface and integrated the Amadeus API. We also added additional features such as user authentication and payment gateway, and discussed testing and debugging techniques. By following this tutorial, you should now have a solid foundation for building your own travel booking app using Kotlin and the Amadeus API.