Building Interactive Web Apps with Svelte

In this tutorial, we will explore how to build interactive web apps using SvelteJS. SvelteJS is a modern JavaScript framework that compiles your code to highly optimized JavaScript at build time, resulting in fast and efficient web applications. We will cover the advantages of using SvelteJS, setting up the development environment, creating components, managing state, handling user input, adding interactivity, and deploying the web app.

building interactive web apps sveltejs


What is SvelteJS?

SvelteJS is a JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. It is different from traditional frameworks like React or Vue because it compiles your code to highly efficient JavaScript during the build process. This means that instead of shipping a large framework library to the client's browser, SvelteJS generates code that is optimized for performance.

Advantages of using SvelteJS

There are several advantages to using SvelteJS for building web apps. Firstly, it offers excellent performance since the generated code is highly optimized and lightweight. Secondly, it has a simple and intuitive syntax which makes it easy to learn and use. Additionally, SvelteJS has a small learning curve, making it ideal for both beginners and experienced developers. Lastly, SvelteJS has excellent support for reusable components, allowing you to build modular and maintainable code.

Overview of building interactive web apps

Building interactive web apps with SvelteJS involves creating components, managing state, handling user input, and adding interactivity. Components are the building blocks of a Svelte app and can be reused throughout the application. State management involves managing and updating the data in your app. User input can be handled by binding input values, validating user input, and handling form submissions. Interactivity can be added through conditional rendering, event handling, and animations. Finally, deploying the web app involves building a production-ready app and deploying it to a hosting provider.

Setting Up the Development Environment

Installing Node.js and npm

Before we can start building a Svelte app, we need to install Node.js and npm, the package manager for Node.js. Node.js is a JavaScript runtime that allows us to run JavaScript on the server-side. npm is used to install and manage packages for our project. You can download and install Node.js from the official website ( Once Node.js is installed, npm will also be available.

Creating a new Svelte project

To create a new Svelte project, we can use the degit package to clone the Svelte template from GitHub. Open your terminal or command prompt and run the following command:

npx degit sveltejs/template svelte-app

This will create a new directory called svelte-app and clone the Svelte template into it. Change into the project directory by running:

cd svelte-app

Understanding the project structure

The Svelte project structure is as follows:

  • public: This directory contains static assets such as images or CSS files.
  • src: This directory contains the source code for our Svelte app.
    • App.svelte: This is the main component of our app.
    • main.js: This is the entry point of our app where we initialize the Svelte app and mount it to the DOM.

Creating Components

Understanding Svelte components

Components in Svelte are reusable building blocks that encapsulate HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Each component has its own state and can communicate with other components through props and events. Components can be nested inside each other to create complex UI structures.

To create a new component, we can create a new .svelte file in the src directory. For example, let's create a Button.svelte component:

<!-- src/Button.svelte -->

  export let text;

  button {
    padding: 10px 20px;
    background-color: #007bff;
    color: white;
    border: none;
    border-radius: 4px;
    cursor: pointer;

In this example, we have created a simple button component that accepts a text prop and displays it inside the button element. The component also has some basic styling applied to it.

Creating reusable components

To make a component reusable, we can define props that allow us to pass data into the component from its parent. In the Button.svelte component example above, we defined a text prop that accepts a string value. This prop can be set when using the component in another component or in the App.svelte file.

<!-- src/App.svelte -->
  import Button from './Button.svelte';

<Button text="Click me!" />

In this example, we import the Button component and use it in the App.svelte file. We pass the text prop with the value "Click me!" to the Button component.

Using props and events

In addition to passing data into a component through props, components can also emit events to notify their parent components about certain actions or changes. This allows for communication between components.

To emit an event from a child component, we can use the dispatch function and provide the event name and any necessary data.

<!-- src/Button.svelte -->
<button on:click={() => dispatch('buttonClicked', { text })}>{text}</button>

In this example, we emit a buttonClicked event when the button is clicked. We pass an object with the text property as the event data.

To listen to an event in the parent component, we can use the on: directive followed by the event name and a function to handle the event.

<!-- src/App.svelte -->
  import Button from './Button.svelte';

  let buttonText = '';
  function handleButtonClick(event) {
    buttonText = event.detail.text;

<Button text="Click me!" on:buttonClicked={handleButtonClick} />
<p>You clicked the button: {buttonText}</p>

In this example, we define a handleButtonClick function that updates the buttonText variable with the text from the event detail. We pass this function to the Button component using the on:buttonClicked directive. The updated buttonText is displayed in a paragraph element.

State Management

Understanding reactive statements

In Svelte, reactive statements allow us to declare dependencies and automatically update the UI when those dependencies change. This makes it easy to manage state in our app.

To create a reactive statement, we can use the $: syntax followed by the dependencies and a block of code. Whenever any of the dependencies change, the code block will be re-evaluated.

<!-- src/App.svelte -->
  let count = 0;

  $: {
    console.log('Count:', count);

<button on:click={() => count += 1}>Increment</button>

In this example, we create a reactive statement that logs the current value of count whenever it changes. We increment count by 1 each time the button is clicked.

Managing state in Svelte

Svelte provides a built-in mechanism for managing state called reactive declarations. We can use the let keyword to declare a reactive variable that can be updated and accessed in our components.

<!-- src/App.svelte -->
  let count = 0;

<p>Count: {count}</p>

<button on:click={() => count += 1}>Increment</button>
<button on:click={() => count -= 1}>Decrement</button>

In this example, we declare a count variable using the let keyword. The current value of count is displayed in a paragraph element. We can increment or decrement count by clicking the respective buttons.

Using stores for global state

In some cases, we may need to share state between multiple components. Svelte provides a mechanism called stores for managing global state.

To use a store, we can import it from the svelte/store module and create a new instance of the store.

<!-- src/store.js -->
import { writable } from 'svelte/store';

export const count = writable(0);

In this example, we create a new writable store called count with an initial value of 0.

To use the store in our components, we can import it and subscribe to its changes using the $ syntax.

<!-- src/App.svelte -->
  import { count } from './store.js';

<p>Count: {$count}</p>

<button on:click={() => count.update(n => n + 1)}>Increment</button>
<button on:click={() => count.update(n => n - 1)}>Decrement</button>

In this example, we import the count store and subscribe to its changes using the $ syntax. The current value of count is displayed in a paragraph element. We can update the value of count using the update function provided by the store.

Handling User Input

Binding input values

In Svelte, we can bind input values to variables using the bind directive. This allows us to easily capture and update user input.

<!-- src/App.svelte -->
  let name = '';

<input type="text" bind:value="{name}" placeholder="Enter your name" />

<p>Hello, {name}!</p>

In this example, we bind the value of the input element to the name variable using the bind:value directive. The current value of name is displayed in a paragraph element.

Validating user input

To validate user input in Svelte, we can use reactive statements and conditional rendering. We can create a reactive statement that checks the validity of the input and updates a variable accordingly.

<!-- src/App.svelte -->
  let name = '';
  let isValid = false;

  $: {
    isValid = name.length > 0;

<input type="text" bind:value="{name}" placeholder="Enter your name" />
{#if !isValid}
  <p>Please enter your name.</p>

<p>Hello, {name}!</p>

In this example, we create a reactive statement that checks if the name variable is empty. If it is, the isValid variable is set to false. We use conditional rendering to display a message if the input is not valid.

Handling form submissions

To handle form submissions in Svelte, we can use the on:submit directive on the form element and a function to handle the submission.

<!-- src/App.svelte -->
  let name = '';

  function handleSubmit(event) {
    alert(`Hello, ${name}!`);

<form on:submit={handleSubmit}>
  <input type="text" bind:value="{name}" placeholder="Enter your name" />
  <button type="submit">Submit</button>

In this example, we define a handleSubmit function that prevents the default form submission behavior and displays an alert with the entered name. The function is called when the form is submitted.

Adding Interactivity

Using conditional rendering

Svelte allows us to conditionally render elements based on certain conditions. We can use the if block to conditionally show or hide elements.

<!-- src/App.svelte -->
  let showGreeting = false;

<button on:click={() => showGreeting = !showGreeting}>Toggle Greeting</button>

{#if showGreeting}
  <p>Hello, world!</p>

In this example, we declare a showGreeting variable and set it to false by default. When the button is clicked, the value of showGreeting is toggled. If showGreeting is true, the greeting message is displayed.

Handling events

Svelte provides a convenient way to handle events on elements. We can use the on: directive followed by the event name and a function to handle the event.

<!-- src/App.svelte -->
  function handleClick() {
    alert('Button clicked!');

<button on:click={handleClick}>Click me!</button>

In this example, we define a handleClick function that displays an alert when the button is clicked. The function is called when the button's click event is triggered.

Animating elements

Svelte has built-in support for animating elements. We can use the animate directive to apply animations to elements.

<!-- src/App.svelte -->
  let isVisible = false;

<button on:click={() => isVisible = !isVisible}>Toggle Visibility</button>

{#if isVisible}
  <p animate:fade>Show me!</p>

In this example, we declare an isVisible variable and set it to false by default. When the button is clicked, the value of isVisible is toggled. If isVisible is true, the paragraph element is displayed with a fade-in animation.

Deploying the Web App

Building the production-ready app

To build a production-ready Svelte app, we can use the npm run build command. This command will generate optimized JavaScript and CSS files that can be deployed to a hosting provider.

npm run build

Once the build process is complete, the generated files will be placed in the public directory.

Deploying to a hosting provider

To deploy the Svelte app to a hosting provider, we can simply upload the contents of the public directory to the provider's server. Most hosting providers support static file hosting, which makes deploying a Svelte app straightforward.

Optimizing performance

To optimize the performance of a Svelte app, we can consider techniques such as code splitting, lazy loading, and caching. These techniques can help reduce the initial load time and improve the overall user experience.


In this tutorial, we explored how to build interactive web apps with SvelteJS. We covered the advantages of using SvelteJS, setting up the development environment, creating components, managing state, handling user input, adding interactivity, and deploying the web app. SvelteJS offers a powerful and efficient way to build web apps with a simple and intuitive syntax. With its excellent performance and support for reusable components, SvelteJS is a great choice for software developers looking to build modern web applications.