Angular and Composite Pattern: Tree-like Structures

This tutorial will guide you through implementing tree-like structures using the Composite Pattern in Angular. We will explore what Angular is, what the Composite Pattern is, and how to apply it to build tree-like components in Angular. We will also discuss working with data in tree-like structures, optimizing performance, and provide code examples and best practices along the way.

angular composite pattern tree like structures


What is Angular?

Angular is a popular open-source JavaScript framework for building web applications. It allows developers to create dynamic, single-page applications with ease. Angular provides a set of tools and features that simplify the development process, including a powerful templating engine, component-based architecture, dependency injection, and more.

What is the Composite Pattern?

The Composite Pattern is a design pattern that allows you to treat individual objects and groups of objects in a uniform manner. It is used to create tree-like structures where individual objects (leaves) and groups of objects (branches) can be treated as a single entity. This pattern is particularly useful when dealing with hierarchical data structures.

Understanding Tree-like Structures

What are Tree-like Structures?

Tree-like structures are hierarchical data structures that resemble a tree. They consist of nodes connected by edges, where each node can have zero or more child nodes. Common examples of tree-like structures include file systems, organization charts, and nested menus.

Advantages of Tree-like Structures

Tree-like structures offer several advantages for organizing and representing data. They provide a natural way to represent hierarchical relationships, making it easier to navigate and manipulate the data. Tree-like structures also allow for efficient searching and filtering operations, as well as providing a clear visual representation of the data.

Implementing Tree-like Structures in Angular

In Angular, we can implement tree-like structures using the Composite Pattern. By using components as the building blocks and organizing them in a hierarchical manner, we can create powerful and flexible tree-like components. This approach allows us to easily manage the component hierarchy, handle interactions and events, and update and manipulate data within the structure.

Composite Pattern in Angular

Overview of the Composite Pattern

The Composite Pattern consists of three main components: the Leaf, the Composite, and the Component. The Leaf represents individual objects, the Composite represents groups of objects, and the Component defines the common interface for both Leaf and Composite. This pattern allows us to treat individual objects and groups of objects uniformly, simplifying the handling of hierarchical structures.

Applying the Composite Pattern in Angular

In Angular, we can apply the Composite Pattern by creating a base component that serves as the Component interface. This base component can then be extended to create Leaf components and Composite components. By organizing these components in a hierarchical manner, we can build complex tree-like structures.

Use Cases and Examples

The Composite Pattern is particularly useful in scenarios where we need to represent and manipulate hierarchical data. Some common use cases include building navigation menus, representing file systems, and creating organization charts. In the following sections, we will explore how to build tree-like components for these use cases.

Building Tree-like Components

Creating the Base Component

To start building tree-like components in Angular, we first need to create a base component that will serve as the Component interface. This base component will define the common properties and methods that all tree components should have. Let's create a basic TreeComponent:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

export abstract class TreeComponent {
  label: string;
  children: TreeComponent[];

  constructor(label: string) {
    this.label = label;
    this.children = [];

  abstract render(): void;

In this example, we define a TreeComponent class with a label property and a children array. We also provide a constructor that initializes the label and children properties. The render method is marked as abstract, which means that all subclasses of TreeComponent must implement this method.

Implementing Composite Components

Now that we have a base component, we can start implementing Leaf and Composite components that inherit from TreeComponent. Leaf components represent individual objects, while Composite components represent groups of objects. Let's create a LeafComponent and a CompositeComponent:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { TreeComponent } from './tree.component';

  selector: 'app-leaf',
  template: `
    <div>{{ label }}</div>
export class LeafComponent extends TreeComponent {
  render(): void {
    // Render leaf component

  selector: 'app-composite',
  template: `
    <div>{{ label }}</div>
    <ng-container *ngFor="let child of children">
      <app-tree [component]="child"></app-tree>
export class CompositeComponent extends TreeComponent {
  render(): void {
    // Render composite component

In this example, we have created a LeafComponent and a CompositeComponent. The LeafComponent template simply displays the label property. The CompositeComponent template also displays the label property, but it also iterates over the children array and renders each child component using the app-tree selector.

Managing Component Hierarchy

To build tree-like structures, we need to manage the component hierarchy. This involves adding child components to parent components and updating the tree structure accordingly. Let's create a TreeContainerComponent that acts as the root component and manages the component hierarchy:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { TreeComponent } from './tree.component';

  selector: 'app-tree-container',
  template: `
    <ng-container *ngFor="let child of children">
      <app-tree [component]="child"></app-tree>
export class TreeContainerComponent {
  children: TreeComponent[];

  constructor() {
    this.children = [];

  addChild(child: TreeComponent): void {

In this example, we have created a TreeContainerComponent that maintains an array of children components. The addChild method allows us to add child components to the children array. The app-tree selector is used to render each child component recursively.

Working with Data in Tree-like Structures

Data Models for Tree-like Structures

When working with tree-like structures, it is important to define appropriate data models. Each node in the tree should have a unique identifier and a reference to its parent node. Let's define a basic data model for our tree-like structures:

export interface TreeNode {
  id: number;
  label: string;
  parentId?: number;
  children?: TreeNode[];

In this example, we define a TreeNode interface with an id property, a label property, an optional parentId property, and an optional children property. The parentId property allows us to establish parent-child relationships between nodes.

Updating and Manipulating Data

To update and manipulate data in tree-like structures, we can leverage Angular's data binding and event handling capabilities. Let's add some functionality to our components to allow adding and deleting nodes:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { TreeComponent } from './tree.component';
import { TreeNode } from './tree.model';

  selector: 'app-leaf',
  template: `
      {{ label }}
      <button (click)="remove()">Remove</button>
export class LeafComponent extends TreeComponent {
  remove(): void {
    // Remove leaf component

  selector: 'app-composite',
  template: `
      {{ label }}
      <button (click)="remove()">Remove</button>
    <ng-container *ngFor="let child of children">
      <app-tree [component]="child"></app-tree>
    <button (click)="addChild()">Add Child</button>
export class CompositeComponent extends TreeComponent {
  remove(): void {
    // Remove composite component

  addChild(): void {
    // Add child component

In this example, we have added a remove method to both LeafComponent and CompositeComponent that handles the removal of the respective component. We have also added an addChild method to CompositeComponent that allows adding child components. The remove and addChild methods can be further extended to update the underlying data model.

Handling Events and Interactions

In tree-like structures, it is common to handle events and interactions, such as selecting nodes, expanding and collapsing branches, and dragging and dropping nodes. Angular provides various event handling mechanisms that can be used to implement these functionalities. Let's add some event handling to our components:

import { Component, EventEmitter, Output } from '@angular/core';
import { TreeComponent } from './tree.component';
import { TreeNode } from './tree.model';

  selector: 'app-leaf',
  template: `
    <div [class.selected]="selected" (click)="select()">
      {{ label }}
export class LeafComponent extends TreeComponent {
  selected: boolean;

  @Output() nodeSelected: EventEmitter<TreeNode>;

  constructor() {
    this.selected = false;
    this.nodeSelected = new EventEmitter<TreeNode>();

  select(): void {
    this.selected = !this.selected;

  selector: 'app-composite',
  template: `
      {{ label }}
      <button (click)="toggle()">{{ expanded ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand' }}</button>
    <ng-container *ngIf="expanded">
      <ng-container *ngFor="let child of children">
        <app-tree [component]="child"></app-tree>
export class CompositeComponent extends TreeComponent {
  expanded: boolean;

  constructor() {
    this.expanded = false;

  toggle(): void {
    this.expanded = !this.expanded;

In this example, we have added a selected property to LeafComponent to indicate whether the leaf component is selected. We have also added an @Output property called nodeSelected that emits an event when the leaf component is clicked. In CompositeComponent, we have added an expanded property that determines whether the composite component is expanded or collapsed. The toggle method toggles the value of expanded.

Optimizing Performance

Lazy Loading and Virtualization

When dealing with large tree-like structures, it is important to optimize performance by applying lazy loading and virtualization techniques. Lazy loading allows us to load and render only the visible part of the tree, while virtualization reduces the number of DOM elements rendered. Angular provides several libraries and techniques for implementing lazy loading and virtualization, such as ngForOf with the trackBy option, ngx-virtual-scroll, and cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport.

Caching and Memoization

Another performance optimization technique is caching and memoization. Caching allows us to store expensive computations or data retrievals and reuse them when needed, while memoization caches the return value of a function based on its arguments. By applying caching and memoization, we can avoid redundant computations and improve the overall performance of our tree-like structures.

Performance Tips and Best Practices

To further optimize the performance of our tree-like structures, we can follow some best practices and tips:

  • Avoid unnecessary DOM manipulation and rendering.
  • Use Angular's change detection strategy wisely.
  • Implement efficient algorithms for searching and filtering.
  • Minimize the number of watchers and bindings.
  • Optimize data retrieval and manipulation operations.
  • Use the OnPush change detection strategy when possible.
  • Profile and analyze performance bottlenecks using browser developer tools.


In this tutorial, we have explored how to implement tree-like structures using the Composite Pattern in Angular. We have discussed the benefits of tree-like structures and the Composite Pattern, and provided code examples and best practices for building tree-like components. We have also covered working with data, handling events and interactions, optimizing performance, and discussed various techniques and tips. By leveraging Angular's powerful features and the Composite Pattern, you can create flexible and efficient tree-like components for your Angular applications.