Android Location Tracking with Kotlin: Best Practices

android location tracking kotlin best practices


This tutorial will guide you through the process of implementing Android location tracking in your Kotlin application. We will explore the importance of location tracking, provide an overview of Kotlin, and discuss how to get started with the project. We will then delve into tracking location using the FusedLocationProviderClient and displaying the location on a map using the Google Maps API. Finally, we will discuss best practices for handling location permissions, optimizing battery usage, and handling location updates in the background. We will also cover testing and debugging techniques for location tracking in Kotlin.

What is Android Location Tracking?

Android location tracking refers to the ability of an Android application to determine the current location of the device. This feature is essential for applications that require location-based services, such as navigation, weather apps, ride-sharing apps, and more. By tracking the device's location, applications can provide personalized and relevant information to the user based on their current location.

Why is it important?

Location tracking is important for several reasons. Firstly, it enables location-based services, which enhance the user experience by providing relevant and personalized information. For example, a weather app can provide accurate weather forecasts based on the user's current location. Secondly, location tracking is crucial for applications that require navigation, such as ride-sharing apps or hiking apps. Lastly, location tracking can be used for analytics purposes, allowing developers to gain insights into user behavior and preferences.

Overview of Kotlin

Kotlin is a modern programming language developed by JetBrains. It is fully interoperable with Java, making it a popular choice for Android development. Kotlin offers several advantages over Java, including concise syntax, null safety, coroutines for asynchronous programming, and more. If you are new to Kotlin, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the basics before proceeding with this tutorial.

Getting Started

To get started with Android location tracking in Kotlin, we need to set up the project and initialize the necessary components. Follow the steps below to set up your project:

  1. Create a new Android project in Android Studio.
  2. Open the AndroidManifest.xml file and add the following permissions:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />

These permissions are required to access the device's location.

  1. Open the build.gradle file and add the following dependencies:
implementation ''
implementation ''

These dependencies include the necessary libraries for location tracking and displaying the location on a map.

  1. Sync your project to apply the changes.

Requesting Location Permissions

Before we can start tracking the location, we need to request the necessary permissions from the user. Add the following code to your activity to request location permissions:


private fun requestLocationPermission() {
    if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(
        ) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED
    ) {

override fun onRequestPermissionsResult(
    requestCode: Int,
    permissions: Array<out String>,
    grantResults: IntArray
) {
    if (requestCode == REQUEST_CODE_LOCATION_PERMISSION && grantResults.isNotEmpty() &&
        grantResults[0] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED
    ) {
        // Permission granted, start tracking location

In the requestLocationPermission function, we check if the ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission is granted. If not, we request the permission using ActivityCompat.requestPermissions. In the onRequestPermissionsResult function, we handle the user's response to the permission request. If the permission is granted, we can start tracking the location.

Initializing Location Services

To track the location, we need to initialize the FusedLocationProviderClient. Add the following code to your activity to initialize the location services:

private lateinit var fusedLocationClient: FusedLocationProviderClient

private fun initLocationClient() {
    fusedLocationClient = LocationServices.getFusedLocationProviderClient(this)

In the initLocationClient function, we initialize the FusedLocationProviderClient by calling LocationServices.getFusedLocationProviderClient. This client is used to retrieve the device's last known location and to receive location updates.

Tracking Location

Now that we have set up the project and initialized the location services, we can start tracking the location using the FusedLocationProviderClient. In this section, we will explore how to handle location updates and configure the location accuracy.

Using FusedLocationProviderClient

The FusedLocationProviderClient is a high-level API for location tracking provided by the Google Play Services. It combines various signals, such as GPS, Wi-Fi, and cellular network, to provide accurate and efficient location updates. Add the following code to your activity to start tracking the location:

private val locationRequest = LocationRequest.create().apply {
    interval = 10000 // Update interval in milliseconds
    fastestInterval = 5000 // Fastest update interval in milliseconds
    priority = LocationRequest.PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY // Location accuracy priority

private fun startLocationUpdates() {

private val locationCallback = object : LocationCallback() {
    override fun onLocationResult(locationResult: LocationResult?) {
        locationResult?.lastLocation?.let { location ->
            // Location update received, do something with the location

In the startLocationUpdates function, we call fusedLocationClient.requestLocationUpdates to start receiving location updates. We pass the locationRequest, locationCallback, and Looper.getMainLooper() as parameters. The locationRequest specifies the update interval, the fastest update interval, and the location accuracy priority. The locationCallback is called when a new location update is available. In the locationCallback, we can access the location using locationResult.lastLocation and perform any necessary actions.

Configuring Location Accuracy

By default, the FusedLocationProviderClient uses high accuracy for location updates. However, you can configure the location accuracy based on your application's requirements. Add the following code to your activity to configure the location accuracy:

private val locationRequest = LocationRequest.create().apply {
    interval = 10000 // Update interval in milliseconds
    fastestInterval = 5000 // Fastest update interval in milliseconds
    priority = LocationRequest.PRIORITY_BALANCED_POWER_ACCURACY // Location accuracy priority

In the locationRequest, we set the priority to LocationRequest.PRIORITY_BALANCED_POWER_ACCURACY. This setting balances location accuracy and battery usage, making it suitable for most applications. However, you can adjust the priority based on your specific needs. For example, you can use LocationRequest.PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY for applications that require precise location data, or LocationRequest.PRIORITY_LOW_POWER for applications that prioritize battery efficiency.

Displaying Location

Now that we are receiving location updates, we can display the location on a map using the Google Maps API. In this section, we will explore how to customize map markers and update the map with real-time location.

Using Google Maps API

To display the location on a map, we need to integrate the Google Maps API into our project. Follow the steps below to add the Google Maps API to your project:

  1. Sign up for a Google Maps API key on the Google Cloud Platform Console.
  2. Open the AndroidManifest.xml file and add the following meta-data element inside the <application> tag:
    android:value="YOUR_API_KEY" />

Replace YOUR_API_KEY with your actual API key.

  1. Add a MapView to your activity's layout file:
    android:layout_height="match_parent" />
  1. In your activity, add the following code to initialize the MapView:
private lateinit var mapView: MapView

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

    mapView = findViewById(
    mapView.getMapAsync { googleMap ->
        // Map is ready, do something with the map

override fun onStart() {

override fun onResume() {

override fun onPause() {

override fun onStop() {

override fun onDestroy() {

override fun onLowMemory() {

In the onCreate function, we initialize the MapView by calling mapView.onCreate. We then call mapView.getMapAsync to get a reference to the GoogleMap object. In the callback, we can perform any necessary actions on the map. Note that we also override the lifecycle functions to correctly handle the lifecycle of the MapView.

Customizing Map Markers

To display the location on the map, we can add a marker at the current location. Add the following code to your activity to customize the map markers:

private lateinit var googleMap: GoogleMap

private fun updateMarker(location: LatLng) {
    googleMap.clear() // Clear previous markers

    val markerOptions = MarkerOptions()
        .title("Current Location")


In the updateMarker function, we first clear the previous markers using googleMap.clear. We then create a MarkerOptions object and set the position, title, and icon of the marker. Finally, we add the marker to the map using googleMap.addMarker.

Updating Map with Real-time Location

To update the map with the real-time location, we need to receive location updates and update the marker accordingly. Add the following code to your location callback:

private val locationCallback = object : LocationCallback() {
    override fun onLocationResult(locationResult: LocationResult?) {
        locationResult?.lastLocation?.let { location ->
            val latLng = LatLng(location.latitude, location.longitude)

In the onLocationResult function, we retrieve the location using locationResult.lastLocation and convert it to a LatLng object. We then call updateMarker to update the marker on the map with the new location.

Best Practices

In this section, we will discuss best practices for handling location permissions, optimizing battery usage, and handling location updates in the background.

Handling Location Permissions

When requesting location permissions from the user, it is important to handle both the granted and denied scenarios. If the user denies the location permission, your application should provide alternative functionality or gracefully handle the absence of location data. Additionally, you can explain to the user why the location permission is necessary and how it benefits their experience within the application.

Optimizing Battery Usage

Location tracking can consume a significant amount of battery power. To optimize battery usage, consider the following techniques:

  • Use the appropriate location accuracy priority based on your application's requirements. Higher accuracy settings consume more power.
  • Minimize the frequency of location updates by adjusting the update interval and fastest update interval. Only request location updates when necessary.
  • Stop location updates when the application is in the background or not actively using the location data. Use the activity lifecycle callbacks to start and stop location updates accordingly.

Handling Location Updates in the Background

If your application requires location updates even when it is in the background or not actively being used by the user, you need to handle location updates differently. Android provides several mechanisms for handling location updates in the background, such as foreground services, job scheduler, or alarms. Choose the appropriate mechanism based on your application's requirements and the version of Android you are targeting.

Testing and Debugging

Testing and debugging location tracking can be challenging due to the reliance on real-time location data. In this section, we will explore techniques for mocking location for testing, debugging common issues, and testing on different devices.

Mocking Location for Testing

To test location tracking in a controlled environment, you can mock location data using Android's Location Spoofing feature. This allows you to simulate different locations without physically moving the device. To enable location spoofing, follow these steps:

  1. Enable Developer Options on your Android device.
  2. Go to Developer Options and enable "Allow mock locations".
  3. Install a location mocking app from the Play Store, such as "Fake GPS Location" or "Mock GPS With Joystick".
  4. Open the location mocking app and set a desired location.

With location spoofing enabled, you can test your application's behavior for different locations without leaving your development environment.

Debugging Common Issues

When debugging location tracking issues, consider the following common issues:

  • Ensure that the necessary location permissions are granted.
  • Check if the device's location services are enabled.
  • Verify that the device has an active internet connection, as some location providers require internet access.
  • Test on different devices and Android versions to ensure compatibility.

By systematically checking these factors, you can identify and resolve common issues related to location tracking.

Testing on Different Devices

To ensure that your application works correctly on different devices, it is essential to test it on a variety of devices with different screen sizes, resolutions, and Android versions. This will help you identify any compatibility issues and ensure a consistent user experience across various devices.


In this tutorial, we have explored Android location tracking with Kotlin and discussed best practices for implementing location tracking in your application. We covered topics such as requesting location permissions, initializing location services, tracking location using the FusedLocationProviderClient, and displaying the location on a map using the Google Maps API. We also discussed best practices for handling location permissions, optimizing battery usage, and handling location updates in the background. Additionally, we explored techniques for testing and debugging location tracking. By following these best practices, you can provide a seamless and efficient location tracking experience for your users.