Introduction to Android Animation with Kotlin

This tutorial aims to provide software developers with a comprehensive introduction to Android animation using Kotlin. We will cover the basic concepts of animation, explore property animation and view animation, and delve into advanced techniques such as path animation and animating transitions. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to incorporate animations into your Android applications using Kotlin.

android animation kotlin introduction

What is Android Animation?

Android animation refers to the visual transformation or movement of UI elements in an Android application. Animations can enhance the user experience by providing visual feedback, guiding user attention, and adding a touch of interactivity to the app. With animations, you can make your app feel more engaging and dynamic.

Why use Kotlin for Android Animation?

Kotlin is a modern programming language that offers many advantages over Java for Android development. It is concise, expressive, and provides powerful features such as extension functions and coroutines. When it comes to animation, Kotlin's concise syntax can make your code more readable and maintainable. With Kotlin, you can write clean and elegant animation code that is less prone to errors.

Basic Animation Concepts

Before diving into the code, let's briefly cover some basic animation concepts:

  • Duration: The time it takes for an animation to complete.
  • Interpolator: Controls the rate of change of an animation. It determines how the animation progresses over time.
  • Animator: An object that defines and manages the animation. It specifies the target object, the properties to be animated, and the animation's duration and interpolator.

Now that we have a basic understanding of animation concepts, let's explore different types of animation in Android.

Property Animation

Property animation allows you to animate the properties of an object over a specified duration. It provides more flexibility and control compared to view animation. There are two types of property animation in Android:

View Animation

View animation operates on the entire View object. It can animate the entire view or just specific properties of the view, such as scale, rotation, or alpha. Here's an example of scaling a view using property animation in Kotlin:

val view = findViewById<View>(
val scaleXAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(view, "scaleX", 0.5f)
val scaleYAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(view, "scaleY", 0.5f)

val animatorSet = AnimatorSet()
animatorSet.playTogether(scaleXAnimator, scaleYAnimator)
animatorSet.duration = 1000

In this example, we retrieve a reference to a view with the ID myView using findViewById. We then create two ObjectAnimator instances to animate the scaleX and scaleY properties of the view. Finally, we create an AnimatorSet to play both animators together and set the duration to 1000 milliseconds.

Drawable Animation

Drawable animation allows you to animate the properties of a drawable, such as changing its color or shape. This type of animation is useful for creating loading spinners, progress bars, and other dynamic visual effects. Here's an example of changing the color of a drawable using property animation in Kotlin:

val drawable = findViewById<ImageView>(
val colorAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofArgb(drawable, "colorFilter", Color.RED, Color.BLUE)

colorAnimator.duration = 1000
colorAnimator.repeatCount = ObjectAnimator.INFINITE
colorAnimator.repeatMode = ObjectAnimator.REVERSE

In this example, we retrieve a reference to an ImageView with the ID myDrawable. We then create an ObjectAnimator to animate the colorFilter property of the drawable, transitioning from red to blue. We set the duration to 1000 milliseconds and configure the animator to repeat infinitely in reverse mode.

Animating Views

Animating views is a common use case in Android applications. Whether it's sliding a view onto the screen, fading it in or out, or animating its position, view animation can bring your app to life. Let's explore some common view animation techniques using Kotlin.

Sliding Animation

Sliding animation is a popular way to introduce or dismiss views on the screen. It can be used to create smooth transitions between different screens or to reveal hidden content. Here's an example of sliding a view from offscreen to its original position using view animation in Kotlin:

val view = findViewById<View>(
val slideInAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(view, "translationX", -view.width.toFloat(), 0f)

slideInAnimator.duration = 1000

In this example, we retrieve a reference to a view with the ID myView using findViewById. We then create an ObjectAnimator to animate the translationX property of the view, moving it from its original position to the right by its width. Finally, we set the duration to 1000 milliseconds and start the animation.

Fading Animation

Fading animation is often used to create smooth transitions between views or to gradually reveal or hide content. It can be used to provide visual feedback or to highlight certain elements in the app. Here's an example of fading a view in or out using view animation in Kotlin:

val view = findViewById<View>(
val fadeInAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(view, "alpha", 0f, 1f)

fadeInAnimator.duration = 1000

In this example, we retrieve a reference to a view with the ID myView using findViewById. We then create an ObjectAnimator to animate the alpha property of the view, transitioning from fully transparent (0) to fully opaque (1). Finally, we set the duration to 1000 milliseconds and start the animation.

Animating View Properties

Animating view properties allows you to create more complex and dynamic animations. You can animate properties such as scale, rotation, translation, and alpha to create visually appealing effects. In this section, we will explore some techniques for animating view properties using Kotlin.


Interpolators control the rate of change of an animation. They determine how the animation progresses over time, providing different easing effects. Android provides a variety of interpolators, such as linear, accelerate, decelerate, and bounce. Here's an example of using an interpolator to create a smooth transition between views using view animation in Kotlin:

val view1 = findViewById<View>(
val view2 = findViewById<View>(
val transitionAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(view1, "translationX", 0f, -view1.width.toFloat())

transitionAnimator.duration = 1000
transitionAnimator.interpolator = AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator()

In this example, we retrieve references to two views with the IDs view1 and view2 using findViewById. We then create an ObjectAnimator to animate the translationX property of view1, moving it from its original position to the left by its width. Finally, we set the duration to 1000 milliseconds and set the interpolator to AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator for a smooth transition.


AnimatorSet allows you to combine multiple animators and control their playback together. It provides more control over the sequencing and timing of animations. Here's an example of using AnimatorSet to play multiple animations together using view animation in Kotlin:

val view = findViewById<View>(
val scaleXAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(view, "scaleX", 0.5f)
val scaleYAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(view, "scaleY", 0.5f)
val rotationAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(view, "rotation", 0f, 360f)

val animatorSet = AnimatorSet()
animatorSet.playTogether(scaleXAnimator, scaleYAnimator, rotationAnimator)
animatorSet.duration = 1000

In this example, we retrieve a reference to a view with the ID myView using findViewById. We then create three ObjectAnimator instances to animate the scaleX, scaleY, and rotation properties of the view. Finally, we create an AnimatorSet to play all three animators together and set the duration to 1000 milliseconds.

Animating Drawables

Animating drawables allows you to create dynamic visual effects by changing the properties of a drawable, such as its color, shape, or size. In this section, we will explore techniques for animating drawables using Kotlin.

Frame Animation

Frame animation is a simple and straightforward way to animate drawables. It involves creating a sequence of drawable resources and playing them in quick succession, creating the illusion of motion. Here's an example of frame animation using Kotlin:

val imageView = findViewById<ImageView>(

val animationDrawable = imageView.background as AnimationDrawable

In this example, we retrieve a reference to an ImageView with the ID imageView using findViewById. We then set the background resource of the image view to an animation drawable defined in XML. Finally, we retrieve the animation drawable from the image view's background and start the animation.


AnimatedVectorDrawable allows you to animate properties of vector drawables, such as the path, size, or color. It provides more flexibility and control compared to frame animation. Here's an example of animating a vector drawable using Kotlin:

val imageView = findViewById<ImageView>(
val animatedVectorDrawable = imageView.drawable as AnimatedVectorDrawable


In this example, we retrieve a reference to an ImageView with the ID imageView using findViewById. We then retrieve the drawable from the image view and cast it to an AnimatedVectorDrawable. Finally, we start the animation.

Advanced Animation Techniques

In addition to view animation and drawable animation, there are advanced animation techniques that you can explore to create more complex and custom animations in your Android applications. In this section, we will cover path animation and custom view animation.

Path Animation

Path animation allows you to animate an object along a specified path. It can be used to create smooth and natural motion effects. Here's an example of path animation using Kotlin:

val view = findViewById<View>(
val path = Path().apply {
    moveTo(0f, 0f)
    lineTo(500f, 500f)
    lineTo(0f, 1000f)

val pathAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(view, View.X, View.Y, path)
pathAnimator.duration = 1000

In this example, we retrieve a reference to a view with the ID myView using findViewById. We then create a Path object and define a path by moving to the starting point and drawing two lines. Finally, we create an ObjectAnimator to animate the x and y properties of the view along the path and start the animation.

Custom View Animation

Custom view animation allows you to create your own animation effects by extending the View class and implementing custom animation logic. This gives you full control over the animation process and allows for unique and creative animations. Here's an example of custom view animation using Kotlin:

class CustomAnimationView(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet) : View(context, attrs) {

    private var animationProgress = 0f

    override fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) {
        // Perform custom drawing based on the animation progress

    fun startAnimation() {
        val valueAnimator = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(0f, 1f)
        valueAnimator.duration = 1000
        valueAnimator.addUpdateListener { animation ->
            animationProgress = animation.animatedValue as Float

In this example, we define a custom view by extending the View class. We override the onDraw method to perform custom drawing based on the animation progress. We also define a startAnimation method that creates a ValueAnimator to animate the animation progress from 0 to 1 over a duration of 1000 milliseconds. We add an update listener to update the animation progress and invalidate the view to trigger a redraw.

Animating Transitions

Animating transitions allows you to create smooth and visually appealing transitions between different states or screens in your app. In this section, we will cover shared element transition and scene transition.

Shared Element Transition

Shared element transition allows you to animate a shared element between two screens, providing a seamless and visually pleasing transition. It is commonly used when transitioning between activities or fragments. Here's an example of shared element transition using Kotlin:

// In the source activity or fragment
val imageView = findViewById<ImageView>(
val intent = Intent(this,
val options = ActivityOptionsCompat.makeSceneTransitionAnimation(this, imageView, "sharedElement")

startActivity(intent, options.toBundle())
// In the destination activity or fragment
val imageView = findViewById<ImageView>(
ViewCompat.setTransitionName(imageView, "sharedElement")

In this example, we retrieve a reference to an ImageView with the ID sharedImageView in the source activity or fragment using findViewById. We then create an intent to start the destination activity or fragment. We use ActivityOptionsCompat.makeSceneTransitionAnimation to create the shared element transition animation. Finally, we start the activity or fragment with the options bundle.

In the destination activity or fragment, we retrieve a reference to the ImageView with the same ID and call ViewCompat.setTransitionName to set the transition name for the shared element.

Scene Transition

Scene transition allows you to animate the entire layout or a portion of the layout between two states or configurations. It provides more control over the animation and allows for complex and dynamic transitions. Here's an example of scene transition using Kotlin:

val sceneRoot = findViewById<ViewGroup>(
val scene1 = Scene.getSceneForLayout(sceneRoot, R.layout.scene1, this)
val scene2 = Scene.getSceneForLayout(sceneRoot, R.layout.scene2, this)

TransitionManager.go(scene2, AutoTransition())

In this example, we retrieve a reference to a ViewGroup with the ID sceneRoot using findViewById. We then create two scenes using Scene.getSceneForLayout, specifying the scene layout and the context. Finally, we call TransitionManager.go to transition from scene1 to scene2 using an AutoTransition animation.


In this tutorial, we covered the basics of Android animation using Kotlin. We explored property animation and view animation, and learned how to animate views and drawables. We also delved into advanced animation techniques such as path animation and custom view animation. Finally, we discussed animating transitions, including shared element transition and scene transition. With this knowledge, you can now incorporate animations into your Android applications to create engaging and visually appealing user experiences.